set up help?


I'll do my best to help out. I'm sure theres tons of stuff I don't know and if I don't I'll say so. I veg for about 4-6 weeks sometimes longer. depends on what you want to do. I would go a month min. flower time veries but around 120 days.
i thought veg could be like 14 days? or is that wrong?
and i thought flower was a little shorter as well?


Well-Known Member
like I said. it's up to you. you could start it 12/12 if you wanted to. just get a very small yeild. even at 12 weeks that only works out to 84 days. Strange i have 120 days in my head. so how bout 9-12 weeks for flower.
You saw mine at 14 days under the mh. I will let them go untill there about two foot. Then go to 12/12 and change to hps. If you start tomorrow you'll be like 16 day behind me. It will be fun to watch both grows.


that would be fun, im really hoping i can start tomorrow but i would only be germinating and the sprout would be by friday maybe thursday right?
im ready for this adventure!! XD


Well-Known Member
lol I'm thinking it's time for bed and to lay off the bong. I didn't add in that time for the germ it will work out to about 20 or so day even if it's a month it will be fun. I'll keep getting pics and lable days.