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  1. R

    1000w, 4x4x7 stealth tent

    depends on the strain i guess. Personally i choose to just veg for 1 month maybe 2 and you can pull like 4 oz off a plant that was 1 month veg and was under a 600 but yield will obviously increase with pot size i use 10 gallon smart pots
  2. R

    dr240 new grow room setup 4x 600w

    i would def have that intake, especially if the heat from your lights is just getting pushed into the room your tent is in, the heat will start to build up fast. just make sure your carbon filter is pulling out more cfm than your intake pushes in and you should be good on smell otherwise you...
  3. R

    1000w, 4x4x7 stealth tent

    im runnin 2 600s in my 5x5x7 the temps are fine. a 1000 in a 4x4 is like 62 watts/ sq foot i heard 75 is overkill so that looks good. i personally recomend getting an 8 inch air cooled reflector but only if the tents ducts are big enough. I think that 9 5 gallon pots is a better option i think...
  4. R

    5 x 5 tent, 2 x 600, heat issue, ac unit or another fan?

    after i hooked up the booster fan the temp dropped to 79 with all 1200 watts runnin, an intake fan to replace the other one should do the rest
  5. R

    5 x 5 tent, 2 x 600, heat issue, ac unit or another fan?

    carbon filter is hanging at the top pulling air out at 175 cfm, and another intake at the bottom pulling air in at 175. the fans that cool the lights are right outside the tent and they almost immediately meet at a joint and then that duct goes into the tent and through the lights and all that...
  6. R

    5 x 5 tent, 2 x 600, heat issue, ac unit or another fan?

    I have 2 600s running on 9 2 week old plants, they are currently turned down to 400 each. Its about time to turn them up but when i do it gets a lil too hot. its at about 75 when they both run at 400 and 83 turned up all the way. They are cooled by two 400 cfm 6 inch fans that come to a joint...
  7. R

    B.Solos 16 plant grow......Secret Jardin Darkroom..1200w....4 Strains.

    just set mine up, dr 150 with 2 600s as long as i run the ducting on the cool tubes from the outside of the tent straight back out and give each light its own fan the temp stays perfect. the reflector should say how much cfm it takes to fully cool. im runnin 2 lumatek digitals