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  1. Tomacriderx

    Welcome New Members!

    Best place to buy seeds. The Attitude Seed Bank.
  2. Tomacriderx

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Best place for Noobs to buy seeds, attitude seeds bank.
  3. Tomacriderx

    Is She Ready Yet?

    turn the lights off one week b4 you cut them down, it makes the couchlock more intense, seen it work.
  4. Tomacriderx

    Autoflower Easy Ryder Grow Journal - PC Grow

    Ok. Im back, 3 of My Easyryders made it, its been around a month now. two look good but are only about 3 inches tall.... lame, one its about 7 inches tall, lots of pistils all dark green and smellin good. the la woman is the tallest, the 400 watt mh proved to be good enough, all plants have a...
  5. Tomacriderx

    Easyryder Grow Journal

    Plants just now starting to resemble a cannabis plant, will load photos soon.
  6. Tomacriderx

    Easyryder Grow Journal

    Good idea, just moved em closer.
  7. Tomacriderx

    Autoflower Easy Ryder Grow Journal - PC Grow

    Both you guys are doin better than me, It must be my soil or something... anyway, looking good lifeline.
  8. Tomacriderx

    Easyryder, 1st grow, on a budget, pics and prices!

    Wow, ur plants are world better than mine Mine have been in the ground about 10 days and they only have 2 little leaves, all stretched out, using a 400watt MH, maybe its not enough... Lookin goood man.
  9. Tomacriderx

    Easyryder Grow Journal

    My bad you alredy did... baked...
  10. Tomacriderx

    Easyryder Grow Journal

    Dude I dont even know I threw the seeds in the ground I think a little more than a week ago, their all about 2 inches tall now, 2 struggling but it looks like they are gonna make it. Send me a link to ur journal. Latr
  11. Tomacriderx

    Easyryder Grow Journal

    Just watered the plants, 2 arent doing well, both are easyryder, the la and ufo are doing good. Will post pics of the suffering plants soon. one has 4 leaves but is less than a cm tall, and has a very slinder stem that doesnt hold the plant up well, the other is a yellowish green, its about a...
  12. Tomacriderx

    (should I grow?) Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel Feminized

    Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel Feminized ????? Does anyone know it this is a good strain, is it stable?? what conditions does it grow well under? will they grow outside in a cool environment? Anything about the strain helps. Thanks for looking/posting :bigjoint...
  13. Tomacriderx

    Easyryder Grow Journal

    Cool, leave a comment when u get thous pics, hope alex improves. Latr
  14. Tomacriderx

    Easyryder Grow Journal

    My humidity in the grow room is around 60-70 percent, 70-90 percent is the average outside humidity for where I live. (right next to the gulf of mexico) Everything was growing good when I left last night, Leaves are getting bigger and greener, they aren't stretching anymore, but I need to find...
  15. Tomacriderx

    Easyryder Grow Journal

    Not at home today hoping the kats dont get into the grow room and fuck the plants.
  16. Tomacriderx

    Using rain (or melted snow) for plants?

    Im pretty sure thats a good idea, rain water has bennies not found in the tap or distilled. check it out
  17. Tomacriderx

    Ventilation Help Please!!!

    I think you need more vent, supposedly ur supposed to move out all the air in a room one time every 15 min, thats according to nirvanas grow guide. check it out
  18. Tomacriderx

    Want to plant seeds now, its cold.

    awesome, thanks dude check it out
  19. Tomacriderx

    Want to plant seeds now, its cold.

    Its gonna be in the 60s where I am for the next month, what strains are better suited for this kind of weather? I was thinking about kaya gold, short ryder, or whatever you suggest, I alredy have indoor gardens going, so not worried about yeild or anyting just something that will produce in cool...
  20. Tomacriderx

    Tips For Other Noobs (what worked for me/what didnt)

    When I planted in large pots it was harder to handle and all the seeds failed, all 6. used plastic cups with drainage holes in bottom, that worked well. When i used miracle grow organic soil, it sucked ass, dont use it as ur only soil i guess in a mix it would be ok., but it has lost of wood in...