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  1. Tattooboy37

    So Mold Can Suck a Fat One Right

    The only way to prevent it is to control humidity. Dehumidifiers can significantly lower your % . I unhook all my light venting and remove glass durning winters. When its rainy/cold and your'e pulling air in from outside its going to naturally be like 70-95%. By not venting your lights you can...
  2. Tattooboy37

    New strains at Cafe Blue Sky

    Has anyone grown or seen there Green Cush. I would think its the same as green crack or cush since it has the same genetics. Also is it the real deal? I'll drive a few hrs to pick up some cuts of that shit for sure. I have just gotten some shitty clones before up there (not Blue Sky) and would...
  3. Tattooboy37

    A theory: Water Cure meets Good Old Fashioned Sanitation

    In Dec. or Jan? I know its a general topic but he never mentioned growing outdoors. Maybe spray them before you pull them but the rest seems like a bunch of old hippie shit. Sorry i dont want to wash off all the hard work i've done to make things smell nice and dank.:weed:
  4. Tattooboy37

    SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP 6 weeks into flower

    It could be a lot of things but i just have never been deficient in major nutes w/ FF. At that point in a grow i wouldn't use the GB for micro nutes. Thats why i use Big Bloom w/ both GB and Tiger. I use the Cal Mag + half strength to make sure i dont run short on mag and cal. You can add their...
  5. Tattooboy37

    A theory: Water Cure meets Good Old Fashioned Sanitation

    I'd have to agree. If you keep a clean room your plants shouldnt be dirty. I've heard of dunking plants if you have mites ect. but not for any curing reasons. Of course i am spoiled and smoke almost anywhere i want so i dont have to be stealth lol. sorry but i like my bud to smell and taste...
  6. Tattooboy37

    SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP 6 weeks into flower

    sorry this thread is so old youre probably over it by now but here is my 2 cents. Looks like Mag. def. for sure to me. Ive use FF products for years and i add 1/2 strenghth Cal-Mag every feeding. It has 2% N as well. Also use FF Big Bloom w/ both the Grow Big and Tiger. Their feeding sch. is...
  7. Tattooboy37

    Potassium deficiency?? I don't know, please help!

    Sorry, forgot to say that ph may not be your problem but chloramine might, water companys use it instead of chlorine because it doesnt disapate or evaporate. therefore lasting longer in there processing. Your roots will look fine for a long time but wont be absorbing the nutes ect. ect. At least...
  8. Tattooboy37

    Potassium deficiency?? I don't know, please help!

    Just give it any base nutrient formula w/ nitrogen. you also need micro nutrients. FFOF doesn't have nutrients in it really. it has a few amendments but thats it. you can use their nutrients if you want. they are not very expensive and you can get them anywhere. Just be careful the first time...
  9. Tattooboy37

    Day 60 of flowering

    I Have used and liked both liquid kool bloom and then the dry at the end. I'd say for sure to use their Floralicious plus. It goes a long way. Almost all their stuff works pretty damn well and is pretty afforadable. I use Monster Bloom during mid flower but thats just me.
  10. Tattooboy37

    My plants are too tall

    Why did you veg. for 2 months to begin with? You only need to go 2-4 weeks for larger plants even. At this point i'd do like a few other guys said and hack it in half or so where you see the biggest branches below. As you cut it back take clones using the cuts you remove. Take some of each...
  11. Tattooboy37

    I Found A Couple Of Balls 18 Days In ****

    Iwould spray both. I never got any bad side affects on the pure females i sprayed and they didn't get seeds. so for $20 it cost to spray i'd say it was worth it even if it had nothing to do w. it. I use a whole bottle each time i spray too, so you should have plenty left over. Remember dont...
  12. Tattooboy37

    I Found A Couple Of Balls 18 Days In ****

    I pull anything that looks close to a male or hermie, but i have a lot more to lose. If you dont care about seeds just keep doing what your doing, but i think its an uphill battle. I used Dutch Masters Reverse before on all my other plants after pulling a hermie and had good luck w. the rest of...
  13. Tattooboy37

    Flower to veg?

    Sorry last post wasnt up when i sent my reply. You need a timer Brother, see you already knew the answer. Go digital, they are maybe $10-15 more but super accurate and will last longer.
  14. Tattooboy37

    Flower to veg?

    IMO no. The nitrogen in the MG soil (which i used a long time ago) should have been used up and or flushed out a long time ago. 12/12 lighting is most crucial to induce and continue flowering, along w/ some p and k. Do you have a possible light leak somewhere? Also remember basic formulas...
  15. Tattooboy37

    Light Mover 1000w VS. Two Stationary 600w

    I used to have a 2 600w set up and thought it worked pretty good. You will get better coverage for sure but w/ the mover and a 1000w you might get better density in your finished product. Just make sure to only have it move a bit in each direction as it will have the strength to reach out...
  16. Tattooboy37

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    1st of all I sit and read just for kicks quite a bit and finally decided to put my 2 cents in. Secondly i wasnt trying to rip or bag on anyone. All i said is that i see a bunch of nonsense that isn't related to the topic. How did it get from P in regards to inducing flowering to all the other...
  17. Tattooboy37

    The Never Ending Abuse of Phosphorous (Bloom foods) to Enhance Flowering

    Damn you guys never cease to amaze me. Its as if you all think your way is the only way. Cant people just use a basic formula and grow on that. You also need to remember that just cause something works in your room doesn't mean it will translate into mine or someone else's. :wall:How many plants...
  18. Tattooboy37

    advanced nutrients vs. fox farm

    First of all this is my first post and by no means do i regard myself as an expert. But over the years i think i've picked up on a few things. I think for starters you all make some good points regarding both NPK ratios as well as w/ the new plant regulators. I use multilple different brands of...