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  1. S

    Short light cycle interruption... adjust light cycle or leave it?!?!

    Hey all, I forgot to close the curtain on my grow room. The HID lights went out at the normal time, but they were still receiving indirect incandescent light for 20 mins. I realized I left the door open and shut it within 20 minutes. So, it was at the end of their light cycle. Should I let...
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    severe yellow too early in flower

    Could very well have root aphids! Have you noticed any "fungus gnats"? Take a close look because they could be root aphids... They live in you soil, eat your roots, and kill your plants. Usually the symptoms show up as an incurable nitrogen deficiency early on in flower becoming much worse...
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    fungus gnats! tried nearly everything in the course of a year.....

    Well, man I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you probably don't have gnats... they're probably winged root aphids. Much worse! Check out this thread and take a closer look at these bugs: These things are worse than spider mites so far...
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    This cat is the devil

    That sucks!! I've got a big 3' x 7' piece of wood blocking the entrance to my grow room from the ground to 3' up. He doesn't try to jump it. I'm thinking of removing it and just using the curtain... I think I've "trained" him (as much as you can train a cat). But I think when he sees the...
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    Humboldt Nutrient Organic line - Incomplete? Lacking?

    Actually I'm in soil. I'm doing the organic line without the additives, so I'm doing: Grow Natural Bloom Natural Deuce Deuce Glad to hear you like them! I'll definitely do some reporting back when I have some results.
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    Humboldt Nutrient Organic line - Incomplete? Lacking?

    Will do... only 45 days to go!
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    DEA trolling Colorado... HEADS UP!

    Dude, that is badass! You gotta come prepared if you're dealing on Craigslist for sure. I guess that's why I won't mess with it. I was on another forum where a narc was selling clones to somone and was trying the hard sell for a 7th clone!! Dude refused and just got 6 and after she bolted...
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    Humboldt Nutrient Organic line - Incomplete? Lacking?

    Nobody? C'mon! This forum sucks! Too much traffic the threads disappear in an hour. I find that these nutrients don't dissolve very well... so if you mix up a batch with the stuff at the bottom of your bucket... it can be REALLY hot. I almost fucked up some of my plants this way.
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    Fox Farms Ocean Forest LOW pH out of the bag!!

    So pH Down is not good for soil plants!? I had no idea about this! I use such a small amount that I wouldn't think it would make much difference... all it's doing is adding H+ ions basically. I add about 1/2 tsp per gallon tops. How should I go about lowering the pH then? My tap water is...
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    Fox Farms Ocean Forest LOW pH out of the bag!!

    What is your soil pH showing as? Or at least what range? I was thinking about going to get a soil pH probe today. Anyway, I did add extra perlite to my mix and I also added a small amount of dolomite/agricultural lime, but it was only like 5-6 tablespoons for the whole bag of soil... so...
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    Brown spots & Leaf edges curling up (pics)!

    It shouldn't be having a Mg deficiency this early on in fresh soil I wouldn't think. So, these curled leaves are caused by Mg deficiency only? I'll check into it but they should've gotten some Mg when I hit them with the nutes... maybe it was being locked out by the low pH or something. I...
  12. S

    Fox Farms Ocean Forest LOW pH out of the bag!!

    eh, they aren't entirely happy. the ones with the low pH are showing curled up leaf edges and some brown spots that were getting worse.. glad to hear that someone thinks runoff pH is pretty meaningless!
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    Humboldt Nutrient Organic line - Incomplete? Lacking?

    I'm using the Humboldt Nutrients Organic line, without all of the extra organic additives. So, I'm using: -Grow Natural -Bloom Natural -Deuce Deuce I'm not using the following additives which I don't have enough money for at this time, but they seem to be just humic acids, enzymes...
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    Fox Farms Ocean Forest LOW pH out of the bag!!

    OK, I've got some 5-week old Sour Diesels that I'm having some pH concerns with. They were planted from clone 5-1/2 weeks ago into 1 gal containers of FFOF... About 12 days ago they were transplanted into 5 gal containers of fresh FFOF. Now I'm noticing some really low pH. My soil runoff is...
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    Brown spots & Leaf edges curling up (pics)!

    Well, it seems like this is a pretty common problem, but I couldn't find pics that looked like my particular situation. I've got 6 different strains going but only the Sour Diesel and Headband are showing this. They have a few leaves that have these brown spots... on some it looks like spots...
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    Help!!! gf sabotaged my plant and now its dying!! see pics

    Man, I'm in the exact same situation!! My girl is an alcoholic too and she gets mad crazy! She is so nuts... we'll break up and she's all set to move out one night when she's drunk... and then the next morning she is all friendly and acts like nothing happened. I think she has...
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    would turning on the light after the they go off on a 12/12 does it afect growth?

    That's not the same thing as the sun coming out full bore in the middle of the night out of nowhere!! There's no equivalent for that in nature. This has been proven to cause hermies... the amount of time/intensity required to cause hermies is still up for debate. Some strains are more...
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    How much vegetative growth (roots, stems, leaves) after switch to 12/12?!!?!

    So how much vegetative growth could I expect after the switch to 12/12 before plants begin to put energy into bud production? How much will roots grow? Will stems thicken out? For how long into 12/12 will this growth continue? I had some plants that were a bit stunted and they have some...
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    Organic Humboldt Nutrients

    Looks good man. That LA Con is a beautiful plant. I have one at about 35 days now... very bushy and beautiful. Hey, do you know if the Humboldt line (the organic one grow nat, bloom nat, deuce deuce) covers all micro nutrients?
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    Vitamin C to remove chloramines!?

    Nobody has anything?