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  1. V6Hustle

    First Grow! Mystery Seeds, Soil, Recipe for Success

    well the big guy in the corner got cut down today... hopefully only 1 or 2 will follow him
  2. V6Hustle

    First Grow! Mystery Seeds, Soil, Recipe for Success

    yeah i understand... i wish i could drop about $500 on some more goodies but cant do it... i think the reason they look blue is because i have a hellacious flash on my camera... thanks for the advice
  3. V6Hustle

    First Grow! Mystery Seeds, Soil, Recipe for Success

    actually i got 2 6500k and 4 3000k, but either way i just cant afford a light like that... I dont have $200 in my whole setup
  4. V6Hustle

    First Grow! Mystery Seeds, Soil, Recipe for Success

    right now i have a 6 tube fixture i set up its only pullin about 240 watts but putting out i think right at 20,000 lumens... genetics, i'm hopin a buddy comes through on some purple skunk and white widow seeds...
  5. V6Hustle

    First Grow! Mystery Seeds, Soil, Recipe for Success

    Yeah I'm pumped about how well its going... thats what i thought about that big guy... I was wondering though should i keep tying the tip down or should i let it grow tall now? I mean keep moving the string up the stalk as it grow. I know it needs to stay 90.
  6. V6Hustle

    New to growing tell me what you think...

    Check out my pics all the same seeds and conditions but i tied 4 of em down a few weeks into it... its my first grow too so well see what happens
  7. V6Hustle

    First Grow! Mystery Seeds, Soil, Recipe for Success

    Ok well no auto flowers put 6 in soil and 0 came up... oh well... i starter flowering sunday night and these are what they looked like when i turned on the timers... i can already tell they're gonna grow like crazy and i'm gonna put em on the flowering nutes tomorrow... i hope they do me proud!
  8. V6Hustle

    DEA still targeting MMJ growers/distributers

    what i do is whatever i feel is right, but what im saying is imo you cant if america wants legal pot the same rules that let "them" make laws against it will and do allow us as a people to make things the way we want them,... it's america, were americans, we have the power but chose to trade it...
  9. V6Hustle

    DEA still targeting MMJ growers/distributers

    i think what you should say is they do what we let them do when they want... the people let "them" make the decisions because we wait til after the fact then complain and people let the T.V. do their thinking for them... you seem to feel pretty strongly about thing what efforts have you made...
  10. V6Hustle

    DEA still targeting MMJ growers/distributers

    thats the first thing i noticed... that guy got exactly what he was askin for... + rep
  11. V6Hustle


    i got some good digital timers ($16, they have them as cheap as like $4), their shop light fixtures ($9), 40w tubes ($6), and my favorite are their emergency blankets ($3)
  12. V6Hustle

    Bent my main stalk trying LST

    about 6 weeks into my first grow i bent half my crop straight over in 1 shot check it out... they reponded like it was normal... check me out ->
  13. V6Hustle

    Weigh without using a scale

    a nickle ways 5 grams and a dollar bill ways 1 gram if thatll help... still need some kind of scale though
  14. V6Hustle

    First Grow! Mystery Seeds, Soil, Recipe for Success

    Transplanted my babies earlier... I think they're doing fantastic... I'm already eager for my next grow when i get some good genetics (hopefully)... any suggestions on seed banks for u.s. citizens? I'm think i want blue mystic, or white widow... i really want something that will have a blue...
  15. V6Hustle

    How much u think I'll yield??

    im gonna throw a number out so be sure to give us a dry weight... i say 62 grams dry... check me out ->
  16. V6Hustle

    Global Warming Update

    the common light bulb is 80% a heater and 20% a light, cfls are 98% a light... dont blame america blame americans who complain, they take up to much space... i can't believe so many worry about that they might have to live an environmentally responsible life (nightmares?)... i bet your...
  17. V6Hustle

    The Budget Grower .. How to grow killer dope for less $

    ive had my doberman in mine with me a couple times but its big 9x8x5 its the type where it doesnt tear that easy but once it gets one its like butter... mylars pretty tough (aluminized polyester)
  18. V6Hustle

    The Budget Grower .. How to grow killer dope for less $

    It's simple you go to Lowes and get like some 1/4" pvc lengths, elbows, tees... go to wal-mart and buy their emergency blankets in the sporting goods ($3), and a roll of that metal tape (like $8)... peice together a frame and tape the emergancy blankets (myler) to it
  19. V6Hustle

    Question for anyone who has ever used horse manure to grow shrooms?

    go to lowes or co-op get a bag of black kow composted manure and a square bale of hay, 50/50, pasteurize, and add spawn check me out ->
  20. V6Hustle

    Global Warming Update

    it just wouldn't be america if we couldn't be excessive in everything we did would it?