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  1. stillgamble

    new to hydro titan flo n gro

    do u have any pics of ur room?
  2. stillgamble

    Ebb and grow (4x super critical, 1x ak47, 7x bubba kush)

    how hot was ur res getting? i had the same prob in my system last grow but i got a water chiller set it to 65 and so far so good. and i covered my res with some panda paper just to keep any light out cause i cant move it out of the room. i hope u get it up and running again u r always growing...
  3. stillgamble


    does the greentrees iner bucket have holes on the sides or just the bottom? i think one thing the titan has an advantage is the 360 mesh iner bucket. i think this helps with co2 get into the roots. and u can also check to see how wet the rocks or coco is to see if ur watering to much or to...
  4. stillgamble


    what size buckets r the green trees? and what size hose does it use? i love the square buckets of the flo and the 360 mesh insert and ive heard people say the 3/4 in hose fills and drains faster than the cap. i love the system so far. ill bump my flood time to 30 min and see how the ladies...
  5. stillgamble


    do u think a 30 min in hydroton is to much for 12 buckets? im have the flo n gro so there 4 gal buckets with 3 gal inserts and flood 3 times a day for 15 min right now
  6. stillgamble


    jd how many times a day do u flood with the coco?
  7. stillgamble

    Dyna Gro Bloom dropping PH to 4?!

    did u add pro tekt? my water starts out around 7.4 and after i add pro tekt it goes to about 9.0. u should look into adding this to ur grow/bloom. just make sure u add the pro tekt 1st and mix it good before adding ur grow/bloom
  8. stillgamble

    6 400,s 4 Flood Tables Perpetual

    looking good. those r going to be monsters, cant wait to see them grow up.
  9. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    looking good hellraizer. how high r ur lights? and do u ever move them through out the grow?
  10. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    what bottles ru using from this line up?
  11. stillgamble

    6 400,s 4 Flood Tables Perpetual

    damn dr looking good. im subed and cant wait for these ladies to finish
  12. stillgamble

    Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

    i have read most of hb post and i dont recall him saying his bud taste like shit, can u find this quote maybe u misread it as i know he does not flush anymore
  13. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    ru using 2 gal buckets? in my 4 gal i only flooded once a day as the crutons more more water than u think but next time i might try 2 times a day and see what happens. did u ph the crutons and if so what ph did u set ur water to and how long did u soak them?
  14. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i had the same prob when i was using 29% h2o2 but my water temps were around 78 so im thinking that was my prob. so after i ran out of h2o2 i started using bleach and i dont have those slime shit floating around anymore and once in a while ill have a little slime around my airstones but not...
  15. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    i have the flow n gro and so far i love it, the only prob im having is my water temps r high but i will move the res after this grow. im only on day 18 of flowering but they look great. but i never had the cap system so i cant say its better or worst but i do like how the cap has made a few...
  16. stillgamble

    Pythium Prevention

    thx. do u have any pics of before using bleach and after? oh i noticed i have some greenish looking balls also growing on the roots do u think bleach will help with that also?
  17. stillgamble

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    I run chillers and keep water at 67 degrees, this last run i tried the clorox bleech to help roots instead of peroxide did u see see any difference when u used bleach?
  18. stillgamble

    Pythium Prevention

    my weekly rez change is tomorrow and i think im goin to add bleach instead of the h2o2 with my nutes and see how they respond. so how much bleach would i need to add to 50 gallons of water? does 7 eye drops add to anything? tsp tbs ml? sry for the question but i dont have a eye droper, i...