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  1. PrivateLittleWar

    Check out my ladies (White Widow) - 2nd grow!!!

    I neglected to mention that these flowering fems are only in their third week of flowering, so yeah - I've got several weeks left to go.
  2. PrivateLittleWar

    Check out my ladies (White Widow) - 2nd grow!!!

    Hey now that's a damned good idea! Thanks! I don't think I can put an HPS bulb in this hood unless I get the right ballast to go with it, but I can certainly see what I can do! Great idea, thanks again! :mrgreen:
  3. PrivateLittleWar

    Check out my ladies (White Widow) - 2nd grow!!!

    Thank you! First time around I used soil and it seemed to me to be a very difficult medium to really be able to accurately control nutrient levels, PH balance, etc. This hydroponic system is a dream! I'll post more pics each week. When it comes time for harvest, I'll be begging everyone for...
  4. PrivateLittleWar

    Check out my ladies (White Widow) - 2nd grow!!!

    Hey all - I just joined this site last week. My first grow was plagued with mistakes, but this time around I think I've got it down to a science. Check out these pics - they're White Widow, grown from seed using hydro drip. Started them in rockwool, and then transferred them into Perlite. I...
  5. PrivateLittleWar

    Chonger - how do I start a thread?? I see a lot of people asking this same question but I never...

    Chonger - how do I start a thread?? I see a lot of people asking this same question but I never see any answers on how or where to do it. :(
  6. PrivateLittleWar

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey I'm new here too and I see you were once asking how to start a new thread - did you ever find the answer? If so, please send me a message with the solution because I can't find it anywhere! lol
  7. PrivateLittleWar

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm looking everywhere on this site and I can't find where you can start a new thread - am I missing it entirely? Anyone? :eyesmoke:
  8. PrivateLittleWar

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    I just took these pics today - there are more in my online album. For your viewing pleasure, I present to you, my lovely White Widow ladies! They are about three weeks into flowering. :bigjoint:
  9. PrivateLittleWar

    52 days flowering (NEW PICS)

    Nice job!!! These ladies look excellent, however they appear to be about finished. I would say you should have been flushing at least once or twice a month during the entire grow process. My grow is Hydro (drip system with return to source) and I use a 5 gallons of nutrient solution at a...
  10. PrivateLittleWar

    You seem to be a veteran of this site, maybe you can help me. How do I start a NEW post? So...

    You seem to be a veteran of this site, maybe you can help me. How do I start a NEW post? So far, all I can do is reply to already existing posts ... how do I create a new post? Any help would be greatly appreciated! - PrivateLittleWar
  11. PrivateLittleWar

    moving plants in-n-out of the house

    I know this is off topic, but I just joined and I don't see where you can create a NEW message. All I've been able to do is reply to someone else's post. How do I start one of my own??? :-?
  12. PrivateLittleWar

    moving plants in-n-out of the house

    I made that mistake last summer/fall with my first grow. I took the plants outside figuring probably the same as you, that the sun is awesome and how can you do better than nature with fresh air and sunshine? I was WRONG! What I ended up with is introducing my beautiful babies to SPIDER...
  13. PrivateLittleWar

    Day 36 of flower! What do ya guys think?

    Oops, my bad. I ignored the first rule in posting and that is to read at least 10 posts to see where the topic is going BEFORE posting a reply to the original message. Ok, so they ARE still in the veg state and you're starting the flowering. Nevermind my rant, lol! :?
  14. PrivateLittleWar

    Day 36 of flower! What do ya guys think?

    Your plants look healthy enough, but I have to say they don' t show any signs of being out of the vegetative state. There should be asymmetrical growth, for one, which is your first indication that the plant is ready for flowering. Also, the appearance of your plants should have changed...
  15. PrivateLittleWar

    Check this out! Simply AMAZING!

    I think it was the added picture of Catalina Island that saved your seedling... everyone knows plants just loooove Catalina Island! I'm putting miniature pictures in ALL my flower pots from now on!