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  1. fabodnickMD

    Bud Blood Experiences

    Wow! I just read through all of that, and I have to say that there is nothing more discouraging than wanting to read about something I have an interest in, and having to scroll through the BS to get to the meat.....I personally am giving the Lucas method another go, being that my yields are...
  2. fabodnickMD

    SOG In My 4x4x7 Tent?? see all that madness!!
  3. fabodnickMD

    Hit me up direct folkes, just remember that I forget where my computer is from time to time and...

    Hit me up direct folkes, just remember that I forget where my computer is from time to time and might not get back at you for a few.........
  4. fabodnickMD

    SOG In My 4x4x7 Tent??

    .........Cannabisculture is right about that, I have been struggling to get this up and running now for a YEAR, and have now come to a spot in my day that I can expect .6 gpw at the very least, I run a scrog ebb& flo in a 4x4x7 W/ 2 1k's alternating with a 2 hr 2k burn in the middle of the light...
  5. fabodnickMD

    SOG In My 4x4x7 Tent??'s a link to one of my DIY projects might help you with your problem.......
  6. fabodnickMD

    Questions about Lighting (fluo and LED)

    There is a whole army of different opinion on the subject of light spectrum in plant growth phases, I tend to lean toward the "more lumen count per square foot, more plant. I have a thread that I used nothing but CFL's to flower...
  7. fabodnickMD

    Topping plants...

    .........................ezpz Schnipaneeziee!!! I am working on a few OG Kush Clones here......this is more fimming than strait topping, but I started these very young and have some good branching going on......all part of my eavi1 master plan to dominate the walls of my tent!!
  8. fabodnickMD

    Any Existing Evidence that Clones upon Clones Degrade Yield or Quality?

    .......I am going to give this a try and see if I can eliminate the whole "Bushmaster" scenario......
  9. fabodnickMD

    Any Existing Evidence that Clones upon Clones Degrade Yield or Quality?

    This is why genetics become "unstable" it's clowns like this that assume that this would be a solution to faltering genetics as opposed to popping some F1's and doing some legwork. I hope no-one out there would really take this persons [or mine for that matter] advice.....REALLY
  10. fabodnickMD

    Areo V-Scrog Plans!!

    Howdy Folkes....been awhile since I posted, been lurkin and plottin the course... ................Quuick edit on the post, forgot in my hurry to leave props for the build that caught my attention....Roullette..............Lookin' sweet...
  11. fabodnickMD

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    OG KUSH....week 7 or so
  12. fabodnickMD

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    .............................Oh yeah, These Ladies are OG Kush..............
  13. fabodnickMD

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    .I have a pic or two from the last few days, just did the final lollipopin' down below, she's all trimmed up tight........(pic's of that on the Morrow..) .......2Weeks 1 day pic......Down the ol' blouse.................. ........................And Cropped from tonight..........
  14. fabodnickMD

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    ........Phat mama'milla' !!!
  15. fabodnickMD

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    .............there are many ways to look at this problem, some plants like it hot, some shrivel and die when its a few° too hot, so IMHO I would keep a close eye on things if you are "too close" for comfort.......I rely on the exchange rate of me Flowering chamber right now, I have it @ about...
  16. fabodnickMD

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy I have been busy remodeling and implementing the next faze of my venture, so I thought I would first check in here and post a ref to My last few posts, just to bring everyone up to speed on the progression.......... .........first I set up with...
  17. fabodnickMD

    Trailer Park Bagseed CFL Grow I have gone ahead and harvested, she has been hangin fo 3 days and I have just finished manicuring the main Cola, which brings us to this point, where I start working on my next thread. I have done some work on the flowering chamber and I have 6 ladies going...
  18. fabodnickMD

    DIY Flood and Drain for small 6 Plant grows

    ........ok so I have this up and running.....................................I am going to post another thread on this, so look for the link when I get it started.....
  19. fabodnickMD

    Red Dragon & Magic Bud - First CFL grow using "Buds for Less" light set-up Doubt, I am enthused myself by the possibility of at some point finding the "perfect" combo....though I am quite sure that those that have come before me have the foundations of genus built quite solid. I wont get obsessed with strain variations until I at least master some back-breeding...
  20. fabodnickMD

    Red Dragon & Magic Bud - First CFL grow using "Buds for Less" light set-up

    .........Happy New Year Grumps, just got back in and I had a thought....I think I am going to put together a 1'X1'X2'grow box and just turn one plant, harvest the pollen and use it when and where, would you have a good inkling as to the "true" ( or reasonable argument to the fact of said...