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  1. Hydroneer

    Pruning, dead leaves, small buds - cannabutter??

    Yeah the leaves that are browning or yellow I can generally tug off, or they fall off when I bump into the plant. Some I cut because its growing into a wall or door or something... Thanks though, I will check out the cooking section, didn't know it existed!
  2. Hydroneer

    Pruning, dead leaves, small buds - cannabutter??

    Hey folks. I have a pretty good jungle going on and some of the lower leaves are turning yellow because there is no light on the bottom. I prune these fan leaves, and some of the smaller bud nodes that are not developing. I now have a pretty good sized pile of dead and dry leaves. Can I make...
  3. Hydroneer

    Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?

    I've prevented light leak by putting a plastic tarp over the doorway and velcroing it down, as well as closing the door. They have been growing continually just veeeery slowly lol. I swapped some of the soft white for daylight bulbs since they make less heat and more light. I will report back in...
  4. Hydroneer

    Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?

    Any ideas guys? If I prune back some of the overlapping foliage or remove some of the smaller bud sites will it help them mature faster? More light to the main colas??
  5. Hydroneer

    Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?

    Using Botanicare pure blend pro grow/bloom. I give them as much light as I can without overheating. I have to open the door to air it out or it gets to like 100 deg. The downside for doing it upstairs =( next time I wont make that mistake again... If they just bud slowly will I still get a good...
  6. Hydroneer

    Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?

    I switched from daylight/bright white bulbs to soft white bulbs when i went from veg to flower. I had to remove the reflective box I built out of reflective foam board, because it grew too much. The plants have about quadrupled since I put them on 12/12 flowering. Should I prune it down so more...
  7. Hydroneer

    Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?

    Never heard of doing that except to force them to flower. Do some strains need different timing for flowering?
  8. Hydroneer

    Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?

    They are on bloom nutes, 12-12 lighting for the last 6 weeks. CFL lights. it is about 7 or 8 total soft white (which make lots of heat and not much light!) CFLs that are about 19-23 watts each.
  9. Hydroneer

    Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?

    Almost fully mature (alternating branches starting to show), was about 5.5 weeks old
  10. Hydroneer

    Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?

    Wow.. with the flash look what the afghan looks like! From tip to tip of hair its probably 1 inch in diameter.
  11. Hydroneer

    Been a while. Slow flowering, any ideas? (8 pics) Pruning advice?

    Hey all. I have been flowering for about 6 weeks now. It took 3 weeks to show definite signs of sex on 3 plants (all female). Now at a total of 6 weeks, the bud sites are still looking too young. Take a look at the pics, do you think I dont have enough light? Should I prune or "lolipop" to get...
  12. Hydroneer

    Mature plants, week into flowering no sex. (pic)

    Can I do a screen of green? Or is that only during veg? Also, tying them down is hard in such a small space, I'm almost tempted to enlarge the box a bit and maybe move the whole thing forward to get more vertical room.
  13. Hydroneer

    Serious plant spacing and hight before flower question?

    I'm doing something similar but CFL. I recently started flowering but I waited too long I think.. I have 4 plants: 3 sativa 1 indica. I started flowering expecting 2x height growth before they finished but it looks like they are growing about an inch a day. Major problem for me... I would flower...
  14. Hydroneer

    Week 9 Flowering...are they ready??

    Take a closeup shot by setting your camera to "macro". On mine it is a button on the main group of buttons that looks like a flower over a mountain. Macro will get you some really sexy closeups. Tip: Set it to a timer like 2-10 seconds so when you move the camera by pressing the photo button...
  15. Hydroneer

    Mature plants, week into flowering no sex. (pic)

    Hey guys, I know "patience is a virtue" but patience also leads to enormous plants that take over my house. The largest plant is a sativa, and I topped it once a long time ago (during veg) to help slow it down so the other plants would be the same height. Well they are all the same height and...
  16. Hydroneer

    CFL Grow - How can I deal with flowering and summer temps?

    Well the problem is the closet is pretty much sealed. When nobody is around (I run the lights at night) I leave the door open, but sometimes I have people over and I have to close it. EvlMunkee you make a good point, I may be able to close some of the downstairs AC vents to force the cool air...
  17. Hydroneer

    CFL Grow - How can I deal with flowering and summer temps?

    Hey guys/gals, My CFL grow has been going well, but I think in another week or two I will be flowering them. These 4 plants (and one tiny one) have exploded outward and made my closet a jungle!! I wanted bushy plants... but damn. I'll be doing CFL again next time for sure. Anyways... with 4...
  18. Hydroneer

    Guide to Hydrogen Peroxide in hydroponics systems.

    Ok the plants are perked up again, I think its safe. I only let the H2O2 sit for about 15 minutes before watering so perhaps it was too caustic and the oxygen had not been released yet. I will refill my reservoir and try again with much less H2O2 and let it sit for 30 as suggested.
  19. Hydroneer

    Guide to Hydrogen Peroxide in hydroponics systems.

    Alright folks, I just got my 35% H2O2 and did about 2-3 ml per gallon of water like recommended by the guide I found (and it seems to be the only 35% guide around).... The plants started wilting within an hour, so I flushed them with lots of fresh water... I am starting to think he meant DILUTE...
  20. Hydroneer

    Baby's First Hygrow Log

    I've heard it takes flowering to truly determine sex, but 90 degrees from the branches stemming, I noticed little things sticking out on both my large plants. Could these turn into balls or are they female?? They both look like this: Here are the plants, I almost wish the AG would stretch...