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  1. emersonc

    Stunted Plants

    Also... I use water that has sat out for a few days to remove most of the chlorine. I am thinking about getting a pH soil meter, any suggestions?
  2. emersonc

    Stunted Plants

    And the waterfall adds a nice mountain stream sound when I sleep
  3. emersonc

    Stunted Plants

    I moved the light up, it is now 2' above the kids, and the fan is now pointing at the light blowing upwads. Could I flush the pots to remove extra nutes rather than transplanting?
  4. emersonc

    Stunted Plants

    Are the lights too close to the plants? They are about 1.5 feet above the plants. I have read around that 1' is the ideal height for a 400w MH setup.
  5. emersonc

    Stunted Plants

    The waterfall is to help relax the plants,and it helps to increae the humidity. What do you mean the soiil is too hot
  6. emersonc

    Stunted Plants

    Hey all I am hoping for a little help. *all of the following thread is complete fiction and in no way reflects reality* Set up: -a 400W MH light on 24/7 -waterfall on 24/7 -oscilating fan on 24/7 -average temp 85-100F -Room size: 2.5' x 3' -Bag seeds -humidity is currently unknown, but...
  7. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    well it has been about 8 weeks since i first planted my babies, and they are doing very well. i am thinking about switching over to the flowering stage. Both are about 13" tall and have had multiple toppings. I have been giiving them a little bit of fertilizer (mericle grow) about once a week...
  8. emersonc

    top leaves yellow dots (pics)

    if it is a bacteria then there is no cure for it. The best that you can do is control. Cut of the bad leaves with steralized siccors. Clean them after EVERY CUT. And be careful when watering. The most common way for bacteria to spred is through water droplets. Be careful not to cut off too many...
  9. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    nice pixs. I dont have the option to cut into the walls or cealing for venting. I am growing in my closet so the area is rather restricted. During the day I open it up so it can vent around the room. I am trying not to spend all that much money, soa $200 AC unit is outta the question, do you...
  10. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    My babies are still doing well, there seems to be no sign of trouble. Though the temperature did get a bit high todaym peaked at 94F. I think that is the upper range of what I want. Were I live the temperature is going to start peaking around 90-100 everyday, I am a little worried that they...
  11. emersonc

    Animals attacknig plants

    sweet deal
  12. emersonc

    Need help! Spots on leafs 30%

    Well im new to growing pot so i dont really know what nutrient burn looks like, But I have been studying biology with an interest in botony for some years now so I think I should be able to help. I ask the questions because those questions can narrow it dosn a lot.
  13. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    What about nutrients? I know that I dont need to use them for a while, but when is a good time to start using them, and what is generally the best amounts (X-X-X)? My plants are about 6 days new so i still got some time, but i might as well start thinking about it, any ideas????
  14. emersonc

    Need help! Spots on leafs 30%

    can you tell us more about the spots? Are they translucent? Are they restricted by the veins or grow past without any trouble? Is there a yellow ring around the spot of necrosis (death)? Try to post a couple more pictures, your first one aint so clear
  15. emersonc

    Animals attacknig plants

    I have used cyanne pepper with some oil and soap mixed with a lot of water. The pepepr deters animals, and the oil cloggs up the holes that insects breath from, and the saop helps spread the oil. Not the niciest way to get rid of pests, but if it is them or your pot plants, it is not much of a...
  16. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    So I woke up this morning and one of my babies was nearly horizontal because the fan pushed it over. SO now I am going to turn the fan so it is not directly on the plants. They might not grow as stronge of a stem, but atleast they wont be horizontal. The plants are about 3 and 4.5 cm tall. Other...
  17. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    MY two babies are looking good. I had to move one of the lights up a bit today so the leaves dont get burnt. FAn is still on 24/7 I read the news today and it said that MJ is at the highest potency ever, This means we must be doing something right. Potency is up to 9.6% Check out this...
  18. emersonc

    LEAVES CLAWING/curling alot getting worried

    Im leaning towards some thipe of bacterial infectcion, and if that is the case there is nothing that you can do, just give them plenty of love and hope that you get some buds. Before you start you next batch make sure you steralize your soil! Put it in the oven on a low temp (200ish) for a...
  19. emersonc

    What Eating My Plant?Please PICTURES!!

    Same for me but it was my grandfather that told me.:mrgreen:
  20. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    Sweet deal, ill be careful when i water them. Ill listen to my babies. So the first leafes popped up above the soil in two of the seeds! My babies are beautiful! slightly lopsided but a beauty non-the-less. It has started!