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  1. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    Still under ground...had a high temperature of 83.8F and a low 75.5F. I figure this is totally normal range, but it is agout to start getting hot around here, so I hope that doesnt mess things up too much. Humidity is lowering too around 20-30%, is this a good range for a vegitation stage...
  2. emersonc

    Help Plz Spots

    I saw the pixs, im still thinkin a fungi, especially if it is scab like. Personally I would hope it doesnt get too bad, if a particular leaf is really bad cut it off with sterile scissors. And try to keep is seperated from any healthy specimens. Best of luck. Oh ya, if it geats so bad it kills...
  3. emersonc

    Help Plz Spots

    I cant see any of your pictures.
  4. emersonc

    Brown Spots on Leaves - Help wanted!

    Since they are outdoor plants check out some of the other (non-pot) plants around the area, do you see the same symptoms? Also be extra careful when watering as this is the most common method of bacterial transference. Of course there is nothing you can do if it rains......
  5. emersonc


    too many nutes can turn the leaves yellow, it could also be nitrogen deficiencey. Low N usually is seen by yellowing or chlorosis of the leaves, particularly the bottom most leaves. What are the branches like, are thye short? What about the distence between the internodes?
  6. emersonc

    Help Plz Spots

    I would be thinkin a fungi. There are a whole class of fungi that casue leaf scab on grasses and their cousins. The pictures didnt come in, so its still hard to tell, but you can try a fungicide, or maybe some organic method.
  7. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    all i see is a picture of a light by your name
  8. emersonc

    Help Plz Spots

    Try to post some more pixs.
  9. emersonc

    Help Plz Spots

    Are they kindda like scaps (slightly raised)?
  10. emersonc

    Help Plz Spots

    The spots dont look like thier growth is restrained by the plant veins. Bacteria usually dont pass over the veins and thus dont grow in a perfect circle.
  11. emersonc

    LEAVES CLAWING/curling alot getting worried

    Phosphorus deficiency is usually a bluish or puplish coloring of the leaf, particulary starting at the tips.
  12. emersonc

    Leafs with brown blotchs - Photos

    That should do the trick
  13. emersonc

    LEAVES CLAWING/curling alot getting worried

    What temperatures are the rooms at (day/night)?
  14. emersonc

    What Eating My Plant?Please PICTURES!!

    I would wash the plants and then try to move them to a new spot. Ive used a mixture of 1part tea tree oil 1part organic soap 1dash of cyanne powder 98 PARTS WATER Mix that up and spray and wash the leaves/stems of one of your plants and see if that helps to kill the bugs. If it does then do...
  15. emersonc

    Brown Spots on Leaves - Help wanted!

    Whats the weather like in the area? Maybe a bacterial infection.
  16. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    Not long at all. One was about 1mm, the other two were just peaking out of the shell. I wanted to get them into their more "natural" environment. I figure it make them happier. And happier bud is tastey bud. Thanks for the positive vibes coupe.
  17. emersonc

    1st Mini CFL Closet Grow

    Thanks for the tip slammin, I just watered them five minutes ago, the top was "bone dry" And i turned off the fan because I think it was drying out the soil really fast, and no need to waste energy ya know...
  18. emersonc

    powdery mildew?

    Really need to get some pictures to know for sure. Is it on the top of the leaves or the bottom. In the stems also? Does it rubb off when wipped? And how widespread is the infection, because sometimes if it is a small infection you can simply cut off the bad leaf and the rest of the plant will...
  19. emersonc

    top leaves yellow dots (pics)

    its kinnda hard to tell from the pictures, but it might be a bacterial infection. The best way to tell is if the spots are limited by the veins; meaing the spots stop at the veins and do not cross over. This is the most common way to ID a bacterial pathogen in most plants. Are the spots growing...
  20. emersonc

    Aluminum Foil Yay or Nay