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  1. B

    Skyda II Vs Iolite

    I lost my Iolite vaporizer yesterday and need to get a new one. After doing some research I noticed a similiar one called Skyda II. Who has tried it and how does the Skyda II compare to the Iolite? Thanks in advance.
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    Post Office Called

    There is no way I'm going to pick it up especially as it is in California and I live thousands of miles away. Now, what should I do if they decide to mail it to me??? Also, I know the return address is bogus as my friend always uses a fake return address.
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    Post Office Called

    I thought about returning his call, but I do not see what that will accomplish. They are not going to mail it to me. My answering machine doesn't give my name or telephone number, so they don't know I ever got their message. After I got the call yesterday, I checked the Internet and there...
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    Post Office Called

    They probably checked my name and got my telephone number from the internet. The weird thing is I live in eastern part of the US and this post office is where the package was mail in Cal.
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    Post Office Called

    That was my first thought, but why would the postal employee even brother calling?
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    Post Office Called

    P.S. The package contained about 12 grams.
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    Post Office Called

    A friend from California mailed me some buds via the USPS about three weeks ago. It never arrived. Today I get a call from a LA telephone number stating he is with the USPS and they have a "Priority mailed package" for me and asked me to call. What should I do?????????
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    Stunted Growth

    My plants which are about 1.5 feet suddenly drooped. I think I know what the problem is as I sprayed the walls and floor of my growing room with household insect spray. Even my tomato plants which were not in hydro did the same thing. The plants did not die, but they have a very stunted...
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    Droopy Plants

    I carefully went over in mind what may have caused the stress. All my plants including some tomatoes (which are not in hydro) suffered the droopiness. The only thing I did was spay the walls and floor with some household bug killer. I may have got some on the lights (cfl bulbs) or on the...
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    Droopy Plants

    Everything was going well and then about a week ago, all my plants started to droop. I changed the nutes, cleaned everything and rechecked the PH. The plants are not dead, but still look very limp. Any suggestions on what to do to save them.They are about 1.5 months old
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    Plant Growth

    How long do you suggest I turn off the feeder system? I have noticed the rapid rooters get dry very fast when there is no water.
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    Plant Growth

    My setup is: 150w HPS 6 36W CFL Hydro Water with nutes Net cups with hydroton Plants in rapid rooters Any more info needed, please advise
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    Plant Growth

    I started from seeds. Using rapid rooters and hydroton. Plants are over two weeks old, but they seem to growing very slowly. The biggest is only about 1.5 inches and the smallest is about .5 inch. Does it seem normal?
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    Rapid Rooters How Long?

    I'm using net pots. So, I must transplant them in rock wool? I'm using hydro.
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    Rapid Rooters How Long?

    Does the rapid rooter go below the hydrotron with the extra stones on top? Then does the drip go on the stones or on the RR?
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    Rapid Rooters How Long?

    Hi, I just started with rapid rooters (RR) I have inserted about three seeds into an enlarge RR hole. Most plants are now about 1 inch. I doing it hydro have the RR in netcups with about the bottom third hydrotron My question is should I separate the roots by cutting up the RR and giving...