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  1. S

    My beautiful Seedling . PT II

    perhaps , i want to make a bonsai :D 12- 12 to induce flowering soon =]:bigjoint:
  2. S

    My beautiful Seedling . PT II

    hahah yes , it works a treat , kept p/w supply and fans for temp control hehe:mrgreen:
  3. S

    My beautiful Seedling . PT II

    this is my seedling after 13 days of 18-6 light.
  4. S

    Beautiful Seedling for First Grow

    day light atm . :mrgreen::blsmoke:
  5. S

    Beautiful Seedling for First Grow

    will make it a bonsai ,give it 18-6 for veg state? for as long as needed , then restrict day/nite , to 12 /12 to induce flowering?? i think thats my plane, to see how quickly i can produce buds , not just for the yield :D
  6. S

    MY first out door grow

    i do not no the sex but have done quite enough research i think to be able to identify it , this has long hair like things coming up from the nodes .
  7. S

    MY first out door grow

    yeah im for australia mate haha, the plant is outdoors all the time near the veranda. its now daylight savings and its 1 and a half months into spring so i dare say its alright , just need to put it in a position of full day light. ps its dawn at 7am and dark at 830pm:blsmoke:
  8. S

    MY first out door grow

    you may just be right , it sits out the back allday , im usually asleep , it may be in the afternoon shade , so i may move it to a position were it will get fullday sun , i also have to bring it inside most nites because some abbos mite coon it ahah:neutral:
  9. S

    Beautiful Seedling for First Grow

    as you can see , with the side panel on , knobody even would suspect i was growing a plant in it , no light escapes , except very minimal amount that would be normal for a pc hehe
  10. S

    Beautiful Seedling for First Grow thanks alot tahoe ill make sure to keep up to date =] do you like my pc stealth box? i included the pics of when it was first coming up and i had the hard drive & cd rom bays still in the case , now as you saw i have...
  11. S

    MY first out door grow this is the link to my secret project X stealth box hehe :evil:
  12. S

    MY first out door grow

    hhelloo all , this is my first plant ive grown ever! i smoke everyday and i just turned 18 :D, and i thought hell why not start growing my own , i have this one and ill put a link in for my other one which i have posted on here , umm i started growing this one about 1-2and a half months ago ...
  13. S

    Beautiful Seedling for First Grow

    hello alll , well this actually is my 2nd plant im growing at the moment , the other is an outside project , this however is taking place entirely within the remnents of a old pc case haha :D , but the plant i must sayis doing extremely well and looks like a excellent specimen,not sure on the...
  14. S

    what do u love more weed or sex?

    sex while smoked a fat blunttttt oh yeah i win :D guyscheck this out
  15. S

    Cutting leaves?? Will they grow back??(pics)

    hmm i cut leaves of my very young plant today , but they were all deformed and the ends crispy from miracle grow burns , hmm this plant is a strange one i tell you , but now im worried that i mite of sealed my plants fate by cutting those crap leaves of