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  1. GreenFace

    General Newbie Growing Questions

    Definitely do some more research, not trying to be mean but before you try anything you should always read up about it throughly before trying it. If you're not so sure about one topic, don't even start yet, read up as much as you can about it, believe me it really pays off in the end.
  2. GreenFace

    Month olds, more powerful light?

    T5's are really good for vegatative growth and as for your height for about a month old plant that would vary depending on what strain you have and also they NPK solution. Now as for using a different light for you flowering process (roughly around 4-5 weeks into vegatative, then make the...
  3. GreenFace

    CFL Envirolite help!!!

    If I was growing 6 plants and I wanted to use CFL's for my flowering stage (I need to use CFL's because I'm growing stealth and can't use HIDs due to the heat and lack of ventilation so please don't recommend me to use HPS, I know this already). I just wanted to ask if it would be good, in...
  4. GreenFace


    are you serious? alot of people from ohio are on here? shit I thought I was the only one
  5. GreenFace


    not trying to be sexist (even though I am male haha) but kill that guy
  6. GreenFace

    First Time Scrog Grow. Help Needed!

    ScrOG can seem really intimidating, but just don't get to overwhelmed by it, it can be done! I'll be doing a stealth ScrOG grow journal here rather soon using CFL's so look out for that in the future. By the way, good luck with your grow man wish you the best of luck!
  7. GreenFace

    Please Help Me With Light!!!

    thanks for replying everyone, all the information you have provided me has helped me out alot and I think I might us CFL's. I still want to get a 2 foot 4 bulb New Wave T5, but do you think would work for flowering as well? Sorry about all these questions, but I am very very touchy on the...
  8. GreenFace

    Please Help Me With Light!!!

    I am making a stealth grow box that is approximately 2 feet in length, 3 feet in width, and 5 feet in height. Now I was wondering, could I possibly use CFL's for veg and flowering, is so how many would I need to use and which wattages. I intend on growing 4 to 6 plants. Please help me, I really...
  9. GreenFace


    ok, I'm relatively new to growing but I have been reading up for about a year and some months now. In my reading I have stumbled upon a technique called lollypopping. Now I know it's recomended 24 inches before lollypopping and then entering veg right after, but when I was reading up on this, I...
  10. GreenFace

    Growing White Widow in DWC

    Quick question, would a New Wave High Output T5 be idea and if so would i use 6500k or like 3000k? Also, would I need to make something in regards to CO2 enrichment for the plants since this is an enclosed growing environment?
  11. GreenFace

    Growing White Widow in DWC

    Thank you for responding and yeah I have been reading up on this for about 5 months before actually doing, better safe than sorry. Pictures are to come soon so please be patient with me :blsmoke:
  12. GreenFace

    Growing White Widow in DWC

    I'm new to this forum and I've been checking it out for quite awhile now. I must say I am definitely blown away by the amount of information each individual holds here, but anways let me get to the point. I have built myself a stealth grow box that is aproximately 5 feet and 5 inches tall and...