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  1. D

    ok guys im finally doing it

    lol aint nothing to it, but to do it!!!!!! it seems like your making this more complicated than it really is. all the advice is Great, but when it comes down to it your only inhaling smoke, just as if it were some chronic. I know the taste isnt the greatest, And i actually coughed up the smoke...
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    DMT hurry on in people!

    Sea vegtable Flakes for Agar would this brand work? It is seaweed gelatin.
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    DMT hurry on in people!

    you think they'll have the dvd at some bookstores?. Ive seen some previews to that film couple months ago, and cant wait to actually see it!.
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    Drop Jaw PE + GT flushes NICE PICS!

    Can i ask on your method of drying those? also another question what things can affect the potency of the mushies/ either decrease or increase?
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    Mandtids - Preying Mantis - Elf - Entity Hallucinations

    I would agree with you that the pshycadelic trip is all in our mind. But with Dmt i really have seen some shapes and colors that ive never seen before, shouldnt even be calling them shapes cuz it surrounds us all. But that was bout it, i have met a few friendly entities and had a great time with...
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    any1 eat mycellium??

    yea i would love to be able to grow out doors. the supply would seem endless! but wont the temp. still have to be atleast 80f to get the mycellium growing or atleast fruiting. were i reside is nowere near humid. just fresh dry air. woul it still work??
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    Psychedelics and Human Evolution - A view from evolutionary psychology

    intresting. A ANc do you still have the link to that video you posted awhile back. with some professor, and how evry 10 years there is always gonna be a dramatic change in society and i guess the world???
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    any1 eat mycellium??

    allright. thanks for all the responses. sorry to hear that tea had no effect on your mind grow dank? were your cakes already flushed out or was it b4 they fruited. Im thinking of just chopping it up in pieces and let it sit in some kool-aid. I gotta atleast try this one time to see for myself...
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    any1 eat mycellium??

    ive got 3cakes just finished 4th flush. it got spores all over itself. But my ?? is has any one ever eaten the mycellium? i never thought bout it, because from what ive learned Psilocybe is only developed in the mushroom. and i got a friend who keeps insisting that you can drink it with some...
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    but i could be wrong!!
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    yah man it looks like the grains didnt drain enough. ive had a jar with wbs do that to me also. that stain is basically the dirty water sludge from the grains..
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    Pictures of shrooms.

    any advice is good advice to me RK thankz. Yea i think your right bout the smaller pices of mycelliyum producing smaller mushrooms. I forgot to post this flick....
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    Pictures of shrooms.

    Now i innoculated a brf/verm substrate in a couple jars, and even did some in shot glasses to see if it colonized faster. Answer yes ofcourse but when i pyt the shot glass size cake in the fc it produce small caps n stems, is this due to the small size cake or do is it lack of FAE???? any advice...
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    just wondering???

    Can you grow any strain of psilocybe cubenisis on brf cakes????
  15. D

    Cubensis Grow: Cambodian Mushrooms

    So on average how long is the process from the minute they begin colonizing til their done fruiting??
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    PE and DMT!

    Whats up rucca, well if i were you i would see how much dmt you get out of your 3 pulls and if you got a decent amount on your 3rd pull then maybe you might wanna do a 4th pull. But i would recomend saving your solvent for when you add more Mhrb to your solution.
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    PE and DMT!

    Its very simple rucca, just pour the liquid out into funnel or bowl whatevers and make sure to keeps the crystals in whatever it is your using. there most likely would be a little bit of liquid so place back in freezer for 1 hour then let it air dry for a couple hors.. crystals should puff up...
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    Dmt Stb Teks

    Sup morf,do you got all the ingredients and utensils ready?? and from what are you extracting Mhrb/ or phalaris??
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    DMT Theory, Extremely Scary!

    I agree with you ANC, ive had that bond with afew people, life changing id say to every1 i seen travel with it. I have smoked at tha same time with others and we have actually ben in the same world, seeing the same shadowy man running in circles smiling at us in a completly white space with no...
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    thats a nice extract for 40g good job!! glad to hear you got to exp the trip, i know what you mean by there being a person or entity near you, after a few more trips you probly will see it in front of you, great expirience though..