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  1. N

    any idea wats makin my leafs do this?

    The main thing you should be worried about is the fact that you have been flowering 20 days, yet the plants are definitely not flowering. The whole plant is dark green as well. Also, looking at the pictures again, there are only 2 leaves that are twisted, the others are curled under. Your answer...
  2. N

    Rust Spots on Large Fan Leaves

    First off....congrats on the first grow, they look pretty damn nice, of course besides the spots. now...Ca deficiency usually starts on the new leaves first, not the old fan leaves. what you have appears to be a magnesium deficiency. early stages. generally this is cured by using 7/8ml/gal of...
  3. N

    Red Hairs too early, No Trichomes!??

    glad you got that shiz wrapped up. good luck!
  4. N

    what is wrong with my leaf??? i have picture...

    it is also very young. young plants will show things like that b/c of genetic defects. yes it could be a number of other things. but if you start making adjustments and going ape shit about the very small brown tip right now, then you could just as easily mess it up worse. in general, that plant...
  5. N

    Drying leaves and extreme yellowing before harvest

    can you post some pictures, yellowing (and death) of fan leaves and such around harvest is common b/c the plant is depriving the leaves of N. being so close to harvest i would say your fine, but post some pics just in case.
  6. N

    Leafs are turning yellow

    dude that last pic is already flowering, u need to put an oscillating fan on them to strengthen up the stems so they can hold the buds without too much strain. have you started adding cal-mag to your nutrient mix yet? you should if you haven't (just order it online if you can't get it from a...
  7. N

    Leafs are turning yellow

    no, hydroton is PH neutral
  8. N

    Leafs are turning yellow

    see how it is yellowing at the base of all the NEW shoots, not just the top cola, and it is the leaf that is changing color, not spots from burning. and being that you don't accurately check your PH, i'm betting that it is going to be high when you do check it with a meter. this is probably a...
  9. N

    lower leafs yellowing

    well now the leaves look droopy like you were saying, the last set they all looked like they were cupping up (at least to me). i would say over watering for the first pic now. does the bottom of the plant (1st pic) look like a potassium deficiency to anyone else? that plant is really stretchy...
  10. N

    Leaves getting rust spots and then curling up and dying

    those new pictures show alot more, definitely a deficiency since it is coming from the veins. its just sooo dark man, the necrotic spots i mean. potassium deficiency usually is more brown and yellow, from the edges and works towards the veins. One of my buddies had a problem that look awfly...
  11. N

    DOCs! What is this? (PICS)

    pull your camera back and make sure its focused on the plant, not the background, please, then re post in your own thread.
  12. N

    DOCs! What is this? (PICS)

    your temps are 90. they should be around 77. WAY to hot! no offense meant here, but whoever told you that any young marijuana plant could survive (let alone adapt, at this young of an age) in constant 90 degree temps, was full of shit. whether you start over or not (you should start over) you...
  13. N

    Check my photos

    ok lets stop fighting kids... your temps are WAY to high. if you only have 1 fan, make it an exhaust fan, and put it at the top!. then make a hole near the bottom of the room, that will act as an intake. that way it will actively exhaust hot hair through the fan, and passively bring in cool...
  14. N

    Leaves getting rust spots and then curling up and dying

    not mold. are you giving it full strength nutrients? if so, just give them 1/2 to 3/4 strength. better yet, go get a PPM meter and make sure it stays under 1200 for now (you need to calibrate the meter first!!!). also, your PH is too high. keep it closer to 6 for soil and 5.7-5.8 for hydro...
  15. N

    lower leafs yellowing

    first off, don't use the nutrients at full strength, rather 1/2 to 3/4 strength. the first picture is normal, those leaves should be taken off, they really have no use except when the plant is really young. the second picture is a slight nutrient burn, just back off on the nutrients a hair...
  16. N

    Quick Harvest

    Sensi Hindu Kush from Dr. Chronic. flowers in 45-50 days according to package, i harvested at 43 days in scrog with a little over 1.6oz/sq.ft. about 7 months ago with a 4 week veg. quick, cheap, and will sell very well (im guessing your commercial since you want it so fast). there's my 2 cents.
  17. N

    Northern Lights?

    not so much work as it is just paying attention. you will get a much larger yield out of a small space with scrog then just growing for the top cola and a few sides, since scrog basically turns every bud site into a cola. if you haven't grown before though i would suggest growing normally, or...
  18. N

    Northern Lights?

    they were big, but they were screen of green (scrog), so the height never got over 3ft, the screen was 2x2ft with 1&1/2 - 2 inch holes. read about scrog in the FAQ section, it will explain it if you don't know already. and no, NL did not have much of an odor. even during last couple weeks of...
  19. N

    Northern Lights?

    2 plants! i veged for about 2-1/2 months though, Advanced nutes, 400w. sang to them nightly.
  20. N

    For the Ladies and whoever-FRUITY STRAINS

    paia hawaiiana - drchronic