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  1. FreezerBurn

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    Cleverbot full circle User: Why are you such a fucking dick? Cleverbot: Why are you such a weirdo? User: Because you like dick in your asshole bitch. Cleverbot: It's like you just randomly connect me with different people who were just having a conversation with a third different...
  2. FreezerBurn

    How Do People Take DXM?

    Oh yeah? How many times have they killed you.....or is this unsubstatiaed 3rd...4th hand bullshit? DXM kills you, not CCC's moron.
  3. FreezerBurn

    Recreational OTC drugs

    Im VERY curious about blue lotus. HEARD lots of good things.....but thats second hand info. Bluelight is my hard drug forum.....way more chemists and...well......intelligent junkies on there. Shitty weed section though
  4. FreezerBurn

    Organics For Beginners

    Devils advocate, is a soilless mix truely organic? There are 15 definitions of the word organic however, the only one relivant to this discussion is - developing in a manner analogous to the natural growth and evolution characteristic of living organisms; arising as a natural outgrowth...
  5. FreezerBurn

    Why don't my plants smell anymore?

    C/P FTW. If you're cure isnt done and its just done drying it might have that grass smell.
  6. FreezerBurn

    Hardcore/Metal Anyone?

    Wow 10 year old nostalgia......I remember when I was into slipknot back in middle school someone was like dude fuck them these guys were wearing masks first....IS THERE ANYTHING WEVE LEFT UNSAID. I was joking. Its not metal, its scream-o. I have to admit I am a one of those metal sub-genre...
  7. FreezerBurn

    Making A Living

    Depends on the quality of the product. Bottom line.
  8. FreezerBurn

    Money Laundering

    Yeah as long as that safety deposit box isnt in your name. Busted by the feds it will add into you're undeclared, ie untaxed money. Start a church of Scientology, that way everyone knows its bullshit and you wont have to feel the shame of ripping of fucking morons who will willingly hand over...
  9. FreezerBurn

    Recreational OTC drugs

    Theres a recipie out there doing a san pedro extraction using honey...tastes....well, like shit. Just not as bad as that bitter ass shit. Dude every place (ie dentist) that stores combustable tanks is required by law to either store them outside or in a room (some states seperate from the...
  10. FreezerBurn

    How Do People Take DXM?

    Umm yeah.....Pills are better due to the lack of taste. POUND IT BOY. Next time check out costco they sell two packs of their "daytime" nyquil equivilant in pill form for like 13 bucks with 100 pills in each box. I think they have like 200 per pill. Be careful because this shit almost ALWAYS has...
  11. FreezerBurn

    Outdoor Alaska Auto Grow(DNA 60 Day Wonder and Joint Doctors Purple Jem)

    You're lucky you didnt plant before those two snowfalls.
  12. FreezerBurn

    Pot Bust - $ 22700 per pound.

    Dude you're tripping. Some of those natives just have stacks of cash sitting in their house collecting dust. They get those checks from the native corp's and dont have any banks in their vil so they cash them on their yearly trip to the "city". Fuck you should see what they pay for coke...
  13. FreezerBurn

    F'king Incredible, Mystic, Romulan x Diesel x F'kn I, Fumar Diablo x Burmese..+6 more

    As of today 100% germination. I've never had any trouble with germination, I've actually been confused as to why people do. I do the following room temp on a counter top with natural light during the day and lights out in my house when I go to bed. Seriously the only light I'll use untill I see...
  14. FreezerBurn

    Little Rap

    Fake fucking killa Frontin like he trilla Pull out ya bitches butt and nut on ya pilla wipe my dick in her hair tie her to a chair let you come home so you know how she got there you think you smoke weed but that aint shit but seed put ya dick in ya bitch and catch my disease
  15. FreezerBurn

    Hardcore/Metal Anyone?

    Is screamo either hardcore or metal?
  16. FreezerBurn

    should i give my mother-in-law space cakes???

    Dont drug her, aside from the obvious moral violation you'll turn her off to marijuana if you freak her out.
  17. FreezerBurn

    Bump if your Sober/dry/probi...

    I was almost going to start a "growers who dont smoke" thread. In "Drug and Alcohol" treatment for a DUI I got over 2 years ago. Ironic, the only "drug" I can do (or would concider doing, I know system flush times) in treatment for a DUI is alcohol. I'll have two crops of more than 4 types of...
  18. FreezerBurn

    Local Police

    Agreed. If someone gave me a gift with their name on it I'd tell them to shove it.
  19. FreezerBurn

    F'king Incredible, Mystic, Romulan x Diesel x F'kn I, Fumar Diablo x Burmese..+6 more

    Wow.....I had this huge thing typed out.....hit backspace and it went to previous page and lost it all. F Retyping, the abridged version. 600w 400w ORGANIC Dirt, done with hydro/DWC (Quality this time, not weight/rate) GrowTent 4 years exp. growing + White Rhino Kushage BubbaKush...
  20. FreezerBurn

    6 Black people (NONE-RACIST) around a car with a wire hangar...wat to think???

    Yeah and because someone shares their opinion about an unrelated issue, theyre obviously insensitive to rape victims. At least your sentiment is logical. Pick my battles? Telling someone not to post on an internet forum, and IM picking my battles? Seig heil forum nazi. You exemplify why...