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  1. Sketchbomb

    Question if I may

    Well, if you want to try it then make sure you don't overload the plants then let us know how it turned out. It's made of different types of sugars as is molasses so I follow the logic. I say go for it and let us know!
  2. Sketchbomb

    Autoflower Lights?

    The mh will suffice for lighting on your autos, but with that sacrifice in spectrum you're going to sacrifice somewhere else. Either in yield, potency, or both. I don't know if you run separate ballasts for your mh and hps but if you do then the best thing you could do is run both lights full...
  3. Sketchbomb

    Rainforest 66 / Rainforest 318 grow

    Nice, sounds great. I have a lot of genetics, but was thinking about trying to interbreed some autoflower strains and use this as the base system. If they don't get over .75 meter then shouldn't I be able to run all 6 in the 6" pots? I guess I'm the kinda guy that wants to know exactly what he's...
  4. Sketchbomb

    Rainforest 66 / Rainforest 318 grow

    Looking good. I've been looking into this little aero setup myself. Looking to expand beyond my soil experience and this seems like the right fit. I have a few questions for the OP. Is this system on it's first run or have you had experience with it before? How large can your plants be in here...
  5. Sketchbomb

    Found A Hermie In My Grow

    I'd say you're in the clear. I actually had a plant that popped out pollen sacs that just fell off. Never had pollen or opened, just grew out and fell off. They do some weird things sometimes, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do I guess. GL with your little op :)
  6. Sketchbomb

    THC Levels

    Honestly, people don't all use a universal method which is why seed manufacturer claims are fallible. You're less often mislead by the apparent effects you receive from sampling of the said plant. You shouldn't go for some strain because it says it has 25% THC. Any dick with Internet access can...
  7. Sketchbomb

    cbd and thc

    Well, CBD's are broken down cannabinoids. The same as CBN's. They are broken down forms of THC. These are considered less desirable compounds because of the "down and out" effect they give. However, many growers (and users) prefer the mellow and down feel. So, they allow the plants to break down...
  8. Sketchbomb

    FIRST GROW!! 250 watt ww x bb

    Hey, just got finished with a wwxbb and it was honestly one of my better plants. Now, I dk how stable the genes are, but I am 100% organic in soil and it gave me above average results. It wasn't overly tall or leafy, but had good sized buds with a decent space between them. Vegged for 45 days...
  9. Sketchbomb

    Found A Hermie In My Grow

    Were the balls close to the plant or hanging by a thin arm? If by the arm, are the bananas exposed and open, pointing down? If not, don't worry. Just get it out ASAP if you want to stay seed-free. Look for what a pollen sac looks like once it's opened. It's pretty distinct, so don't worry too...
  10. Sketchbomb

    Is this girl ready to chop?

    30% amber means that in any given sample, about 3 in 10 appear amber. Now, you'll have some variation in the plants maturity so certain spots will have more amber and some less, but you have to make a judgement call and make an educated guess. Unless you plan on looking over every single crystal...
  11. Sketchbomb

    Question About Trichome.

    The question is too vague to answer because the timetable is heavily dependent on extraneous factors such as temp, age, genetics, individual variation, and oh yeah...GENETICS. sometimes you'll get a plant that takes 10 days to go from clear to half amber, but other plants will take over a month...
  12. Sketchbomb

    Confused about harvest

    That's not really something to tell a novice, because it's not sound information. OP, you grew a bagseed (probably with fluorescents or the like) and you got a female. Probably not gonna be anything to hook an award, but everyone starts somewhere. I don't recall you saying if it were 65 days...
  13. Sketchbomb

    Curious little things...

    It recently came to my attention that I am starting to get "sterile" bananas on a couple of my plants. They form on lower internodes where the preflowers are and don't seem to do anything but grow and fall off. Now, I'm no new grower but that seems to be some strange behavior. All of my seeds...
  14. Sketchbomb

    Time to harvest..... BUT

    I don't know why there is so much debate about the 48 hour dark period. The theory is that the plants can store up to 48 hours of daytime energy. Thus, you leave it in the dark for 48 so the plant uses all of the energy it has stored. Now, some may claim that this will increase your yield and...
  15. Sketchbomb

    Transplanted Plants but Need Help

    Tearing a few roots is almost inevitable during transplant. If you are concerned, look into so root boosters such as myco madness or great white shark. I inoculate after the germ transplant into my 8L pots then again into my 5 gallons. Ocean forest is the way to go, but did you mix in more...
  16. Sketchbomb

    Is this girl ready to chop?

    This isn't entirely true, do some research. Peak time to harvest is actually when the trichs are clear and turning cloudy. Now before I get sh!t on for saying this, look at the HT article. Basically, the thc breaks down after harvest into it's psychoactive form. Peak thc (not CBD or CBN) is...
  17. Sketchbomb

    whoud use some help yo

    This is true, but if you don't have enough light penetration then the lower branches won't get enough light anyway. Chopping them will concentrate bid growth up top and stresses the plant just enough to try and push out some more resin to protect it. I've had great success with manicuring my...
  18. Sketchbomb

    Height vs Width question for new grow, Any help is appreciated

    Those blankets you're talking about are just sheets of Mylar. You can get it at a lot of places cheap and it works well. Another option is white poly. It's also very good at keeping light where to want it. If I had to throw in my $.02, I'd say get some more light on those plants. The current...
  19. Sketchbomb

    Plant problems! and question >> REPOST <<

    Your current plant will be fine, autoflowering strains don't depend on the photoperiod for growth. You may see a slight decrease in yield and or potency but not much. This would be from receiving less light intensity resulting in a lower amount of stored energy within the plant thus meaning it...
  20. Sketchbomb

    Too early to top this seedling?

    Try and top it at the 3rd node (as has been said before). I like to top at the 5th node, wait for 3 more nodes, then top and repeat. That way, the plant can support itself and still put of large amounts of popcorn. I suppose it would be different if I were scrogging, but I like the usual upright...