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  1. chillychill

    Let's go Massachusetts!

    Just absolutely disgusting, They are paid to be prepared for this shit!!
  2. chillychill

    Let's go Massachusetts!

    I want coffee shops!!!!
  3. chillychill

    10k Grow electrical set-up and design

    By nec code yes it's wrong, BUT it will work . the bar that runs between the white wire and the bare copper wire should not be there in a sub panel.
  4. chillychill

    First Grow - Yellowish/Brown Leaf Tips on 13 Day Old Plant (pics)

    Ok a couple of things, the brown burnt tips is nute burn, ffof is a tad hot,.. that by itself not a problem :| she'll bounce back. the wrinkling, leaves is a result of too much water so with those two together might be enough to put her in shock. :shock: Just let her sit and do not water till...
  5. chillychill

    Hermie? Or just paranoid? Lol

    Looks clean,, youre just paranoid..:shock:
  6. chillychill

    Would Like opinions on my grow setup Thank You

    lose the 3 in 1 moisture meter it's junk.., If the pot feels light then water..
  7. chillychill

    10k Grow electrical set-up and design

    Your new panel is a (sub panel) that came off the big main box. That big main box is your home service panel .Your service panel should have all the grounds ( the bare or green wire) and neutral ( white ) wire bonded or connected together.. Your new sub panel shouldn't have those two bonded...
  8. chillychill

    10k Grow electrical set-up and design

    They ARE bonded together.. the QO112M100C is a load center aka, home service panel not a sub panel
  9. chillychill

    Much Needed Electrician Advice!

    Up here (New England) a 200 amp service is between 2800 and 3400...because of all the new code requirements.
  10. chillychill

    Best Nutrient Line???

    K.I.S.S ..just been using Dyna grow, protekt, and cal-mag, or Jack's classic ..
  11. chillychill

    need help with my girls...anyone??????

    Your not going to get any help acting like a spoiled lil kid who needs to be slaped... but it kinda looks like mites.. maby
  12. chillychill

    Can I Smoke It Yet?

    no you have to wait atl east 2 more weeks...
  13. chillychill

    Snails Are Attacking! Best Methods To Combat These Evil Buggers?

    yup beer.. fill a party cup full dig in ground till flush. all snails ,slugs love the smell of beer they will go in and drown
  14. chillychill

    Where did All the Old Dogs Go?

    any idea were the site is ???
  15. chillychill

    Male/Female? With Pics

    Its a male if you dont need it cut it down
  16. chillychill

    Leave Fan on at Night?

    You don't have to, but it dosen't hurt either, It all depends on your set up
  17. chillychill

    Ready to crop??? Advice needed!!!

    opps as always I'm in a hurry to finish up ..damn there goes that batch..
  18. chillychill

    Ready to crop??? Advice needed!!!

    You are asking for advice on Harvesting not cropping ..Imo leaving them in darkness for a day or 2 does nothing to boost thc content. right now i just harvested using the drowning method, basically you drown your plants for 2or 3 day to jump start the curing method this is my first time doing it...
  19. chillychill

    Friday March 4th :Attitude Promo: What seeds did you buy?

    ya you got screwed by the tude... that sucks..srry dude