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  1. noobish

    I plan to harvest early next week, is this correct? [close up pix inside]

    would love to hear how this ended, i learn't alot over this thread.
  2. noobish

    Where can I get Mason Jars in England?

    i picked up two small ones with clip sealing lids from ASDA (Walmart if your US) for like a £1 each, Bargain!
  3. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    Thanks for the reply man, a few cfls you say, that can easily be achieved tomrrow. Do you know if they sell the sockets too? As for time, as this is my first grow i'm willing to wait it out for max harvest and see what happens. I think it's a bit late to top it like you say but i'll have a...
  4. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    Long time no post, well just a quick update for anyone wondering if they're still alive, they are! somehow. These are about 3 weeks in to flowering and they seem to be coming along nicely, they have easily doubled in height to about 20"+, absolutely stink... in a nice way and are budding from...
  5. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    Little up date.. Yesterday saw the arrival of the new pots... well i say pots but i picked up some deep buckets for £1 each.. Each £5 cheaper than most of the pots i found of a similar size.They each got some fresh soil and perlite around the edges. Oh and i made loads of holes in the bottom...
  6. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    Thank you again for the response.. Yeah thats some good advice about letting there be some run off, if i had done that from the start i might have noticed the lack of drainage quicker. Personally my watering reigm is very similar to Juniors, on average it's about 200mil of water every 2 days...
  7. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    Well that was interesting, i found out a few things that further more justify that i'm a NOOOOB.. lol i just realised my pots don't even have drainage holes on them DOH! but as you can see it's seems to have had no adverse effects on the root system which is looking lovely. Pictures 1, 2 and 3...
  8. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    I'm going to have a quick look at the root system on the smallest one in a minute and if that doesn't show any signs of rot then i'll just have to put it down to either the fan being on the plants directly for too long keeping them short and with thick stalks or another suggestion was the strain...
  9. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    yeah i'm willing to lose the smallest one for the sake of aiding the others.. so yeah you could be on to something there. I'll do some investigating tomorrow hopefully with pictures but what would you suggest if it does appear to be rot? Bigger pots, fresh soil and fresh perlite? As for PH...
  10. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    Thanks for the replies people, yeah i agree they do seem really short for 8 weeks, do you think this could be because the fan is on them directly? could also explain the thick stalks? The light height was only a few inches shorter before i took pictures as i did move it up to get in there, i...
  11. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    Can a mod move this to the right forum please as i don't seem to be getting replies here lol - maybe the newbie forum would be better.
  12. noobish

    First time Grow - 250w HPS - All advice appreciated - pictures

    Ok so i've jumped straight in at the deep end for a newbie, i don't know much about growing but it seems to be going well. For total peace of mind i was wondering if someone could let me know how their looking from an expirenced eye? Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you. The set up - A...