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  1. D

    Police Helicopter

    I was worried it had picked up a heat signature,although would a 400W light be enough to attract the cops attention? They flew about for 30 minutes and did have the spotlight on and never came really close to my house.
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    Police Helicopter

    Right now i'm terrified my grow op has been spotted by the police,i was moving my grow tent tonight and put it in the corner while i hoovered.Now when i stopped hoovering the helicopter was in full view of the window and hovering a far too close for comfort especially as i had opened the window...
  3. D

    Anyone grew Rocklock,White Castle or Sharks breath before?

    Have just germinated seeds from each of these strains and need to know how bad the smell during flowering is? Grew a single AK 48 plant as my 1st attempt at growing and was unaware it is possibly the most pungent one available and as a result my house was stinking with it.I have an extractor fan...
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    !st time grower,chose AK48 as my learning plant.

    I waited until the white hairs went 25% amber before flushing it for a fortnight. One of the smaller buds i'm currently about to smoke.Picture quality may be poor due to my phone. Uploaded with
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    !st time grower,chose AK48 as my learning plant.

    Make that 53 grams i found a branch which had fell off while drying in my tent. All i used was a compost mixed with about 25% perlite and used the bio bizz range nutrients.It was in a grow tent with a 400W light and a fan. Another think it i never cut the top,i was in a bit of a panic in...
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    !st time grower,chose AK48 as my learning plant.

    Now i have just harvested my single plant i was using to gain experience. 43 grams i have after drying and even my neighbour said it was the strongest weed he'd ever smoked,i ended up wrecked after a bong of it but needed independant judging. Home grown kicks the ass of any factory...
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    400W light too strong for seedlings?

    Cheers for the advice guys,it'll have to wait my gran who has dementia and i care for has been in my room and i think has binned the seeds.
  8. D

    400W light too strong for seedlings?

    After failing miserably with my 1st attempt growng with a 50W LED light i've got a brand new rig out. Tent,hydroponic set-up,and a 400W light,now after speaking to a neighbour who grows he's telling me the 400W light will be too powerful for my seedlings and i should get a 250W light to start...
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    Need Help??? Ask away!

    2 and a half weeks under the lights at 18/6,barring the 1st 2 fan leaves that have been like this for almost a week the rest appear to be fine.
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    1st 2 fan leaves browning and curling strangely on a 2 week plant.

    Also would it be worthwhile transferring it to another pot if i can find a store which sells soil with no added nutrients as the burn doesn't seem to be getting any worse and my plant is now nearly 3 weeks old?
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    1st 2 fan leaves browning and curling strangely on a 2 week plant.

    Having just checked the bag of organic compost i've been using it does have added nutrients which you have been told me would be the case,however living in the UK i can't find the sunshine mix,foxfarm etc.. you all prefer to use.Is there anything i could do to get rid of some of the nutes or...
  12. D

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    Been noticed brown patches on my 2 week old plant recently and now the 2st 2 fan leaves that sprouted and looking very brown and unhealthy.I had been told previously it may be due to nute burn but dismissed it as i was using organic compost.Having read the back of the compost properly i have...
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    1st 2 fan leaves browning and curling strangely on a 2 week plant.

    Random red and blue LED light bought from amazon.
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    1st 2 fan leaves browning and curling strangely on a 2 week plant.

    Organic soil with pearlite added,i'm giving it a few more weeks before i add any Nutrients. Checked the PH level and it is fine,i just want to know if over watering it for the 1st 2 weeks may have caused this.
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    1st 2 fan leaves browning and curling strangely on a 2 week plant.

    Organic soil with pearlite added,i'm giving it a few more weeks before i add any Nutrients.
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    1st 2 fan leaves browning and curling strangely on a 2 week plant.

    Come on folks put my mind at rest.
  17. D

    1st 2 fan leaves browning and curling strangely on a 2 week plant.

    The leaf to the left is curling upwards which isn't easy to tell from the pic,could someone in the know just please tell me if it's been caused by over watering it?
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    1st 2 fan leaves browning and curling strangely on a 2 week plant.

    Oh and i forgot to mention it's been under as 50W LED light about 14 inches above it,the LED lights don't give off much heat but are they too close and producing too much light for my baby at 2 weeks old?
  19. D

    New outdoor rain an issue?

    I'd try and put a temporary cover over them is possible,i'm no expert bud if the buds get soaked with rain the chances of mould will increase big time.