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  1. T

    inquiring minds want to know

    My advice to you is to transplant those plants into bigger pots asap. Your biggest pot right now is 5 gallons which a lot of people would say is small for outdoor grows. At least try to get the other four into bigger pots.
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    So, is this what to expect for the future?

    I'm not sure what you mean by being stuck with IE because of an update. I have IE on my computer, but I never use it. If I do use it I have all sorts of problems on different website. I also have Firefox. That is the browser I use all the time, especially on websites with lots of options like...
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    Sensimilla w/ seeds ?????!??

    I've had a similar thing happen to me as well. At the time I was living in a trailer park in a college town with a lot of smokers. I figured some pollen from someone else's male plant made its way to my plant. Pollen is extremely small and light and can float on a breeze for miles.
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    **Humate Supreme Organic Tablets Made For Cannabis**

    Haha. Nice commercial.
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    Checking trichs with scopes.....................

    18 fan. Some of these other posts make me laugh, but I understand what you are asking. I have the same problem. I usually snip off a small leaf coming out of a bud that has some trichs on it. I lay the piece of leaf of a table and look at it that way. When you are at 60x or more magnification...
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    C, Em, and G walk into a bar...

    I enjoyed that. I actually laughed out loud at a couple parts. I guess I know my music theory better than I thought. I'm a self taught 5 string banjo player. Played with a lot of jam groups over the past 6 or 7 years, but every time things start coming together or getting serious I seem to be...
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    800 lbs seized last night coast fla

    I did the math and given the weight and alleged street value and it comes out to about $55/ounce. I know there are probably crazy discounts when you buy/sell in bulk like that, but it sounds to me like this weed would be low grade regs at best.
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    Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers

    Damnit, I found another one yesterday. Its seems pretty odd since I've never seen them indoors before.
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    Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers

    I have 5 small indoor plans, each about 4 nodes in height. The last two days I have seen two different bugs of the family cicadellidae. They appeared to be two different species based on morphology and color, but I was not able to catch them without smashing them. I looked them up online and...
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    Wife and Her Friend Had to Show Someone

    or when sounds like "a" as in neighbor or weigh
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    White Widows?????

    Often times a big space between nodes means that your plant is stretching for more light. What kind of lighting are you using and how far away from the plant is it? Although WW is a hybrid that I believe has about 60% sativa in it, they tend to be pretty bushy plants. The cause of the flimsy...
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    How do **YOU** rate weed?

    For me, its about tolerance buildup. I seem to develop a tolerance to weed faster than most people I smoke with. Sometimes I'll get a bag of weed that is awesome and has me soaring, but by the third time I smoke it I barely get high and don't feel anything an hour later. I've also had weed that...
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    should i harvest??? pics included

    "the white bits that come out of bud" are hairs. Some people harvest when 50% of the hairs have changed to a red/brown/orange color from the original whitish color. "the clear hairs... on the bud leaves" are called trichomes. These are better to go by when determining when to harvest. Most...
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    Cool Tube Grow Light Fan: Intake or exhaust?

    Thanks for the feedback. Now that I think about it more it does seem a single fan would be most effective on the intake side. Here is the fan I'll most likely get...
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    Cool Tube Grow Light Fan: Intake or exhaust?

    Hey everyone, first post, but you'll probably be seeing more of me soon. I'll most likely be starting a closet grow journal real soon with some feminized Wonder Woman. A simple question: I'm using a cool tube grow light. It will be connected to the outside air via two 6" flexi duct. I will be...