C, Em, and G walk into a bar...


Well-Known Member
The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve minors," so C and G are left with an open fifth between them; after a few rounds, G is out flat. F tries to augment the situation, but isn't quite sharp enough. Heading straight for the bathroom, D says, "I'll just be a second." Moments later A follows, but the bartender doesn't believe that this relative of C isn't a minor, and kicks him out. He then notices a Bb hiding in the corner and says, "What is this?! You're the seventh minor I've seen in here tonight!"

The next evening, Eb comes in wearing a 3-piece suit, and the bartender says, "You're looking pretty sharp! This could be a major development." After a few drinks, Eb takes off his suit and stands there au naturel, as C, who passed out at the bar the night before, wakes up and realizes in horror that he's under a rest.

So C goes to trial, is convicted of contributing to the diminution of a minor, and sentenced to 10 years of intonation at an upscale correctional facility. The conviction is overturned on appeal, however, and C is found innocent of any wrongdoing, even accidental, and all accusations to the contrary are bassless.

Meanwhile, the bartender decides that since he's only had tenor 20 patrons, the soprano out in the bathroom, and everything has become alto much treble, he needs a break and closes the bar.


Well-Known Member
haha nice music rendition LOL :)

do you play anything, i play pretty much anything with strings and also some drums too ;)

i love writing music and singing as well, and one day want to have a few great musicians get together with me and do what the Beatles did for music back in the day, but for today's generation ;), and i wanna create something new that everyone will enjoy that doesnt sound like all of the crap out there today ;)


Well-Known Member
I still pretend I can play my acoustic once in a while. :lol: Supported myself and my kids as a vocalist, but had to retire very early two years ago. Now I am just a music lover who sings for her own enjoyment at home, and musically lives vicariously through her hubby (bassist, vocalist, writer) and son (guitarist and everything-else-ist LOL).


Well-Known Member
I still pretend I can play my acoustic once in a while. :lol: Supported myself and my kids as a vocalist, but had to retire very early two years ago. Now I am just a music lover who sings for her own enjoyment at home, and musically lives vicariously through her hubby (bassist, vocalist, writer) and son (guitarist and everything-else-ist LOL).
sweet............... yeah sux about the retiring part. I know how that is as I havent been able to write much lately either for like the last couple years or so but eventually one day i will get back into it :)

oh and i completely agree this is the dumbest planet i have ever visited too LOL haha ;)

id say its the dumbest in the galaxy as well ;)


I enjoyed that. I actually laughed out loud at a couple parts. I guess I know my music theory better than I thought. I'm a self taught 5 string banjo player. Played with a lot of jam groups over the past 6 or 7 years, but every time things start coming together or getting serious I seem to be leaving town.


Well-Known Member
I love hearing the banjo! Yeah, I knew that one would have to have some sort of grasp on music theory to get this one. ;)