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  1. itsjustaflower

    2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

    well my friend called again today and guess what, another plant was eaten completely by birds. That leaves one plant out of eight that we planted. So when i get back friday we're going to plant some germinated seeds but we're gonna do it right this time, big holes in seperate locations and we're...
  2. itsjustaflower

    Moving 420 plants.

    If that makes you feel safer about the whole thing then go for it but otherwise I'd say it's no big deal haha, police aren't really looking to bust people driving u-hauls full of pot plants. Worst case scenario you get pulled over and you just tell the cop you're moving, he has no probable cause...
  3. itsjustaflower

    Moving 420 plants.

    Me and my brother rented a U-haul once to help him move to chicago. I'd say that would work perfect for you. As for the scout truck, have him drive behind you in case there is a cop car following you for any reason, so that he can get pulled over and not you. Other than that I think you'd be fine.
  4. itsjustaflower

    2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

    alright well I have some bad news, my buddy called me and unfortunately 3 of the remaining 5 plants were eaten by birds... Fucking birds? what the fuck? I didn't even know birds cared about or ate pot plants, this comes as a shock to me. He swore to me he saw a bird attack and eat one of the...
  5. itsjustaflower

    outdoor grow

    pretty much the only thing you can do is keep giving them a shitload of water. They will live, but they will be severely stunted and might not grow for a while.
  6. itsjustaflower

    Latest time to plant outside in Midwest

    doggy did you have any issues with frost or anything last year or bud rot or anything like that? I'm not sure if i want to leave my plants out until the frost comes but i might have to if they aren't ready and i don't wanna lose them to frost. Mine are only 5 inches at most and they seem a...
  7. itsjustaflower

    When will I see signs of sex???

    When the plant senses that the days are becoming shorter, soon before the light cycle drops to 12/12, it will begin to preflower and you will be able to tell what the sex is. It really depends on where you live in the U.S., where I live it goes 12/12 on september 22. use this website to find out...
  8. itsjustaflower

    Latest time to plant outside in Midwest

    I live in ohio, and I planted about a week ago and Im hoping to get a good 2 or 3 months of vegetation before the light cycle drops to 12/12 on september 22. The first frost is sometime early november I think so you want to be done flowering before then, just in case your plants can't handle the...
  9. itsjustaflower

    2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

    yeah I'm gonna go with they're still seedlings and haven't started vegging yet. I might've shocked them a bit when i put them in the soil because they were so young, probably only 2 or three inches tall, and they had just started growing their third pair of leaves. Anyone else have any input...
  10. itsjustaflower

    2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

    It's three weeks from pop. When we cultivated the soil we tilled about 10 or so inches down, and the native soil was mixed with good potting soil that has sand mixed in it too to make it lighter. They were planted in that soil not even a week ago though, so I think they might just be slow...
  11. itsjustaflower

    2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

    well i had my friend send me a few pictures, he took pictures of 3 of the 5 plants and they look like they are stretching a little bit, and there isn't much new growth as far as i can tell. My buddy says they get direct sunlight pretty much all days so I don't think that's the problem. It's only...
  12. itsjustaflower

    outdoor grow

    yeah you fucked up bro. But it's okay, just flush them with water, like lots of water. How much miracle grow did you use? you only need at most one teaspoon per gallon and most people never use full strength, i'm at 50% strength right now. You won't be able to tell the sex until they are about...
  13. itsjustaflower

    2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

    alright well lots of things have changed, I moved to a new grow site behind my buddy's house. I'm on vacation for three weeks and I needed to enlist the help of a buddy to take care of my babies and he just said i could plant them in his backyard so the day before I left we went and tilled a...
  14. itsjustaflower

    Legal Outdoor Have A Look

    Why does it matter who sees it if it's legal? haha
  15. itsjustaflower

    The Pure (from Speedy Seedz) 180 watt ProSource LED : My 1st Real Grow

    so what's going on solodolo? Did you harvest?
  16. itsjustaflower

    God Bud Outdoor Grow in Canada

    go to this website, tells you how many hours of daylight at your latitude at any given time of year.
  17. itsjustaflower

    Leaving supplies at your plot?

    there's a lot of thick underbrush and shit at my plot so i left my soil mix, my tiller, some hand shovels and a few watering cans and i just buried them under some brush, you can't even see them.
  18. itsjustaflower

    2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

    haha i know exactly how that is dude, i've been to my plot the past 3 days in a row but i'll probably stop going so often once i get my babies planted and everything squared away and i can just let mother nature do her thang:mrgreen: we've also thought about throwing down ferts on the path...
  19. itsjustaflower

    2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

    alright haha i knew it probably wasn't a good idea to put that picture on, I'll just put black boxes over their faces or crop them out or something. My seedlings are still outside, its raining really goddamn hard so I hope they're okay, when it stops raining im bringing them inside and putting...
  20. itsjustaflower

    2010 outdoor guerilla grow *my first official grow

    hey guys, I've been a long time lurker of the forums and since i decided to start growing this year, i felt it necessary to make a grow log and just a thread where I can get some advice if needed. I know quite a bit about growing outdoors and indoors, but no actual experience. I found a few...