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  1. Cangri 9

    Day 65 Blue Widow & AK-48

    oh and by the way as pertaining to how much longer until they are done i would have to agree with INDO around a week or so judging by the hairs. There seems to be a good amount of brown on them. Im pretty sure you know all about this but i thought this might help you in some ways. i found it on...
  2. Cangri 9

    Day 65 Blue Widow & AK-48

    woa! the girls look awesome do you mind posting a pic of the bulbs you used?
  3. Cangri 9

    Quotes You Heard While Baked that Blew Your Mind

    "The Good Times Of Today, Are The Sad Thoughts Of Tomorrow" - Bob Marley
  4. Cangri 9

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Sweet thanks im going to try it and see if it works out
  5. Cangri 9

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    THIS IS WHAT THE GUY SAID: " Yeah I was prob foliar spraying to much. Couple times a day sometimes. I was doing it cuz the humidity is terrible but oh well. I pretty much stopped that already and I have been watering way less now. Today I got...
  6. Cangri 9

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    hey jumbo ive been looking for a really cheap and simple way to provide co2 for my future plants and i found a thread where a guy mentioned he foliage feeds his plants with selzter water so they can get there co2. any comments if that works?
  7. Cangri 9

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Sweet thanks jumbo i got the idea when i got blinded by them when i went to my car! haha has anyone ever used them before?
  8. Cangri 9

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Hey everybody ive been thinking of an idea for reflective material and i was thinking what about those things that they put on cars to reflect the sunlight? Do you guys know what im talking about? would that work?
  9. Cangri 9

    Nirvana Autoflowers: Any Reviews?

    hey i was also thinking of getting some of the northern lights seeds. are you growing indoor or outdoor?
  10. Cangri 9

    First Grow - CFL's - LST - Bagseed - Rubbermaid Stealth Box - Low budget - *PICS*

    OMG! attic this has been an amazing grow! that is an excellent example of LST training! definately inspired me to use this method but i am not sure if it will work as good on autoflowering strains. Any opinions?
  11. Cangri 9

    make a stealth grow box

    Nice! how was the whole shipping process? i heard nirvana was pretty good. did it take long to get your seeds?
  12. Cangri 9

    make a stealth grow box

    hey im making a similiar grow cabinet with about the same dimensions as you it is 2 ft (wide) x 3 ft (tall) x 2 ft (Long) and im also going to grow a small autoflowering strain. I would like to help but i was wondering if you had some pictures?