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  1. badikosni

    PC Grow

    Looking great man best of luck!
  2. badikosni

    PC SCROG *6 week flower* i call it Blackberry

    That looks great man thumbs up!!
  3. badikosni

    2x White widow check them out and comment i'm still learning..Thankx

    Hi there here are new pics from my ladies... Had some mite troubles but now everything seems fine. they're about 5 weeks flowering take a look. Peace :joint:
  4. badikosni

    A note on 'withering pistils.. just a little something I've learned.

    Great guide man it aswered a lot of questions for me. Still i have seen some pics where buds are cured along with whisky. Is this worth the effort? Thumbs up!!
  5. badikosni

    My first outdoor grow

    I made an experiment with 1 of my girls, when i put her in the vase i didn't plant it in a straight position i bent it a little, maybe 70º give or take instead of 90. Here's the result it's the one on the right. Try it out next time
  6. badikosni

    First ever grow attempt

    Wow man i've been checking your pics out and they look great! I had some doubts about gender then i saw your photos. It helped a lot thankx. Just hope mine get as good-looking as yours. Thumbs up!!
  7. badikosni

    2x White widow check them out and comment i'm still learning..Thankx

    Hi there. Here's an update on how things are going. They're getting bigger each day but some of the older leaves are turning brown and i'm getting a bit concerned.. Could anyone tell me if this is normal or if not what should i do. ANY advice or comment is welcome. Here are some pics i took...
  8. badikosni

    My first outdoor grow

    perhaps the problem is the soil. did you use perlite in the soil mixture? it helps a lot, at least for me it did as it retains a bit more water in the soil and lets the root system 'breathe'... Hope it helped
  9. badikosni

    My first outdoor grow

    Have you got any recent pics? they are looking good... I have 2 WW growing outdoors keep posting pics so we can compare. Thankx
  10. badikosni

    2x White widow check them out and comment i'm still learning..Thankx

    Hi there. Here i have my girls would appreciate any comment. It's my 2nd crop ever so there's still a long way to go... :eyesmoke: they're +\- 2 and a half months old i believe that by the end of the month they will start flowering. By now I'm using a 10-10-10 NPK solid and i was thinking if i...