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  1. Wolf & Bunny

    Bottom buds have a few black new leaves on top on colas. Please help

    Its not a purple plant. the baby leaves on top of the bottom colas are tuning black , its more like a dark dark green, it looks very minor :confused:but its looks like these a bug on my buds from far away. its only like on 2 areas of the plant , but i read nothing but bad things . is this a...
  2. Wolf & Bunny

    Please help me and my plant (pictures)

    yup she looks healthy keep it up man , just hope its a female now huh!
  3. Wolf & Bunny

    First time screwing up a harvest. I dried the buds a little too quick I think

    Maybe you smoke too much. lol not possible. ;0) Are you using soil, if so was the soil dry when you harvested?
  4. Wolf & Bunny

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    Our ghetto outdoor grow room lol. Now if your wondering why is tape everywhere, its because we have a pitbull puppy who terrorizes our plants. and on one occasion murdered 3 of them. Picked up the buckets and took the whole plants out. She and our other pit loves the plants! Of course its not a...
  5. Wolf & Bunny

    who has the stickiest nugs

    Who has the best nugs?? Please show pix with the most resin and and state if its an outdoor or indoor grow. Heres a sticky bud from one of my outdoor grows, strong sativa:mrgreen:
  6. Wolf & Bunny

    Do you have bugs?

    Lol yeah can the bugs feel anything? sometimes ill find a bug or two and they just act weird, they dont move, and they just let you kill them. like flies lol we knock them down and they dont try to fly away. Are they high?
  7. Wolf & Bunny

    building indoor growroom, soil vs. hydroponic. Whats ur opinion?

    Thanks for the great advice snocat , N yes water is f@$% heavy haha , ill definitely have a sink near by , but im kinda leaning towards soil , UNLESS SOMEONE CAN CONVINCE ME THAT HYDRO IS THE WAY TO GO.
  8. Wolf & Bunny

    Please help me and my plant (pictures)

    Def. looks like an indica dominant plant. Looks very healthy keep it up. You can cut off the first set of leaves on the bottom, just made sure u dont over water it. Let the soil dry out a little bit. Is this a bag seed?
  9. Wolf & Bunny

    building indoor growroom, soil vs. hydroponic. Whats ur opinion?

    Anybody else??? Need a couple to weigh my opinion. My choice of strains are indica dominant.
  10. Wolf & Bunny

    Best organic way to get rid of pests?

    lol interesting responses. We were thinking about getting the foxfarms dont bug me, it said it can be used up to the day of harvest. The chemical in it is Pyrethrin made from Crysanthemum flowers. Never used any pesticides before. But use foxfarm products with great results. Has anyone used this...
  11. Wolf & Bunny

    Best organic way to get rid of pests?

    I also have tiny bugs in the soil and im not sure what they are. how do i get rid of them. I read somewhere that its not good to spray anything in the dirt.
  12. Wolf & Bunny

    How come there arnt more people growing outdoors?

    just plant them and let them grow. the suns light is stronger, they might freak out if you bring them from indoors to outdoor.
  13. Wolf & Bunny


    I have a pest problem too right now and im trying to figure out the best organic way to get rid of them with out hurting my plants because they are flowering. I also have tiny tiny little bugs in my soil,what the hell are they and how do i get rid of them. My plants are only a few weeks away...
  14. Wolf & Bunny

    building indoor growroom, soil vs. hydroponic. Whats ur opinion?

    Thanks joebaze I have also heard of people growing in soil using braided ropes on the bottom of the buckets that hang into a reservoir with hydroponic nutes. Has anyone used this or heard of it.
  15. Wolf & Bunny

    Best organic way to get rid of pests?

    I plan on harvesting in about 2 weeks. will this affect my finished product? Have u tried this before?
  16. Wolf & Bunny

    How come there arnt more people growing outdoors?

    I grow outdoors. Love the freedom of the plant growth, but pests have become a problem. Its definitely harder to be exact with how much light they are getting but its really not issue. As long as they are in a good spot they should get at least 8 hours a day. If privacy is an issue i would...
  17. Wolf & Bunny

    Best organic way to get rid of pests?

    I have spider mites, thrips, catipillars, and some i havnt identified yet. My plants are in flowering stage as well. Whats the best organic way to get rid of them without hurting the plant or its buds. Was thinking about using Neem oil.... any opinions? Any comments are appreciated!
  18. Wolf & Bunny

    building indoor growroom, soil vs. hydroponic. Whats ur opinion?

    Im building an indoor grow room, dimensions and lights will figure out later. More interested in soil vs. hydroponics. Looking for quality and ma ximum potency. Do I really need a C02 system for the hydroponics, if so whats the best way to set it up. Also whats better Aeroponics, Grow blocks or...
  19. Wolf & Bunny

    dieing bottom leafs , yellow & light green please help

    omg i thing i have all of these i havested 1 plant n i found about 3 or four differente bugs on my plant what should i do ???? should i harvest now to save my babys
  20. Wolf & Bunny

    will using cheap organic soil still yield DECENT results?

    foxfarm nutes kick ass , i have an outdoor grow n never had a problem with anything also foxfarm ocean forest will never let u down thats the only soil ill ever use!!!