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  1. creeper28

    Harvest now??

    She got fryed....
  2. creeper28

    Harvest now??

    I agree with you 100 percent. i should have been better prepared. its my 1st time. i just threw some seeds out there and wa la. they were outside most of the time and got burnt up preaty bad. now there inside but i think its to late. should i harvest it now or wait a lil longer? i dont have a...
  3. creeper28

    Harvest now??

  4. creeper28

    This plant got burned bad. Savable or garbage??

    Ya i can smell thc. Do you really think i should chop it now??
  5. creeper28

    This plant got burned bad. Savable or garbage??

    Ya i can smell thc on it. Do you really think i should chop it now??
  6. creeper28

    This plant got burned bad. Savable or garbage??

    Ya i had it outside until recent but its over 100 degrees out here....
  7. creeper28

    This plant got burned bad. Savable or garbage??

    So whats everyone else think??
  8. creeper28

    This plant got burned bad. Savable or garbage??

    Hey thanks 4 the input guys!!
  9. creeper28

    How much longer???

    heres some better pics...
  10. creeper28

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    The sun is taking a toll on these plants i think maybe i should harvest them a.s.a.p. So what yall think?
  11. creeper28

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Ya the sun is killing my plants but they are still growing. Maybe i should harvest them early?
  12. creeper28

    How much longer???

    thanks man im gonna try to get some better pics.
  13. creeper28

    How much longer???

    Ya my camera sucks. i dont have a microscope but i know radioshack has them for 12 bucks. Dont want anybody to have to hold my hand like i said its my first time im not making a career out of this thought i could get some advice from some cool ppl i was wrong. thought that was the reason for...
  14. creeper28

    How much longer???

    Take a look tell me what u think. bongsmilie my first time poor things its 100 degrees out now and they only get about 9 hours of darkness.:joint: