How much longer???


Well-Known Member
........ this is another thread that I can use as an example.


and yes, you need to check the color of your trichs buddy. But, before you come on here asking someone to give you answers.. try doing some of your own research. Nobody around here is going to take you by the hand.. and guide you through each step. You have to do it on your own.. plus.. if you don't read and do your own research and just count on people giving you the answer every time.. you'll never learn.

anyhow, check your trichs. Like wiseguy said..



Ya my camera sucks. i dont have a microscope but i know radioshack has them for 12 bucks. Dont want anybody to have to hold my hand like i said its my first time im not making a career out of this thought i could get some advice from some cool ppl i was wrong. thought that was the reason for this site. peace


Well-Known Member
Ya my camera sucks. i dont have a microscope but i know radioshack has them for 12 bucks. Dont want anybody to have to hold my hand like i said its my first time im not making a career out of this thought i could get some advice from some cool ppl i was wrong. thought that was the reason for this site. peace
I wouldnt be so cocky about it, you should of done basic research before starting the grow, fail to plan....plan to gonna look the other way and still help you though, If your light cycle is getting longer still that will effect when they are ready, they might re-vert back to veg or just kind of stall out for a while. in the future dont ever put more than 1 plant in a pot. it just hurts both plants. How long is left? thats hard to say, probally around 2 months left on the one and a little less time on the other. that is if flowering growth doesnt slow down or stall b/c of not getting enough darkness and the light cycle getting longer still.


Well-Known Member
Get them out of the heat r the trichs will never get a chance to mature because they'll burn up first I live in Coachella I know last years grow died just like that 1 day all it took.Finish indoor and keep her out of the heat that way u control how much light and dark.

Peace out,