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  1. olgaperry

    Is it a male or female plan. Help first-timer :O)

    yes, good advice! I just clonned all my 5 plants including the weird one
  2. olgaperry

    First time outdoor California. What do I do next?

    ok! I will, so I take all the leaves what touch the dirt right?
  3. olgaperry

    First time outdoor California. What do I do next?

    sorry, what are trichomes???? and amber? :O(
  4. olgaperry

    First time outdoor California. What do I do next?

    I really do not know, at this moment I still water plants with Big Grow because I do not have any signs of bugs yet, and I am more South and in land from you ---- we have around 85 - 90 F and sun everyday. :O)
  5. olgaperry

    My Grow Cabinet

    can I use MH and HSP in the cabinet too?
  6. olgaperry

    Is it a male or female plan. Help first-timer :O)

    Yes! let's find a google wizz! I am posting more pics. on the bottom "it" has 1 leaf fan and doesn't look like pot at all, but....... it has those weird little bugs and white crystals and smell like good pot! at the middle --- it has 2 leaves fan, no flowers, no crystals and on the top -- it has...
  7. olgaperry

    First time outdoor California. What do I do next?

    thank you :O) HOw I will know when the crop is ready? sorry I am first timer :O)
  8. olgaperry

    First time outdoor California. What do I do next?

    I dug the hole in the ground about 5-7 gallons and put Fox Farm in, also I am feeding the plans with Fox Farm liquids --- Big Grow, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom
  9. olgaperry

    First time outdoor California. What do I do next?

    I dug the hole in the ground about 5-7 gallons and put Fox Farm in, also I am feeding the plans with Fox Farm liquids --- Big Grow, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom
  10. olgaperry

    First time outdoor California. What do I do next?

    thank you! :O) I will let them grow by itself to the end.
  11. olgaperry

    Is it a male or female plan. Help first-timer :O)

    I dug the hole in the dirt ---- about 5-7 gallons and filled it with Fox Farm and I planted the clones in that. And I am using Fox Farm liquid plant food all the time. All other plants are going great. This one doesn't have fan --- it has separate leaves coming out of the stern. Yea, you are...
  12. olgaperry

    My Grow Cabinet

    this is very good post! I like your grow cabinet :O) could I ask you --- if I will grow 5 plans in such cabinet ( not hydro) what will be the measurements for the cabinet? thank you :O)
  13. olgaperry

    Is it a male or female plan. Help first-timer :O)

    really.... :O( it smells like pot, smells like very good stuff and it is sticky and leaves are full of white christals
  14. olgaperry

    Is it a male or female plan. Help first-timer :O)

    Here more pics. The plant inself is on the right, photo # 1 I bought 3 clones from LA dispenceries, I do not remember the names, :O( one was Super Skunk, I do not think I got any of Dr. Grinspoon. This plant is 3.5 months old but twice smaller than others
  15. olgaperry

    How much light do I need for growing 10 plants in a garage?

    I have one Philips 400W HPS , I read on internet it is good for flowering stage. If I buy 400W MH for vegetation stage, will it be enough for 5 plants? And also, I want to build the box for 5 plans, how big it should be? thank you :O)
  16. olgaperry

    First time outdoor California. What do I do next?

    This is my 3 months old from clone. I am in CA, South East SF Bay What do I do next? Should I just let them grow and flower? Do I need to cover them to create 12/12 light time? Thank you :O)
  17. olgaperry

    How much light do I need for growing 10 plants in a garage?

    I am going to grow 10 plants in the garage from clones. I already have High-pressure sodium (HPS) for flowering. Please advise how many CFL would I need for 10 plants? thank you :O)
  18. olgaperry

    Is it a male or female plan. Help first-timer :O)

    I am growing first time outside from different strains clones. Is this one a male or little bugs starting? Thank you! :O)