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  1. B

    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    id use string and open the branchs up more so more light can get to the inside of it. but its really not that bushy so you dont have too really.
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    How to Grow the BIGGEST buds EVER!!!

    well i dont belive that would work...marijuana and apple trees have two differnt kinds of dna...
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    How to Grow the BIGGEST buds EVER!!!

    budd pinching. ever heard of?? also top your plants. super cropping. and also cloning budds. you can also cut the stalk of your plant and use masking tape and tape a budd on to the stalk and it will grow to the stalk and the budd will start to grow. get huge budd.
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    hey guys whats up??

    lol ass kisser!! ;) yeah i just enjoy smoking pot. but cant anymore :S
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    i'm pretty stoned write now just came up with a crazy idea

    well if it does become legal everywhere the sale of it and price will go way down for it. so either good or bad. to make a profit it would suck. but for smoke. amazing. just my thought.
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    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    also when your plant starts budding you can cut off the bud just like topping and 2 budds will grow back. insted of having a single bud. doubling yield.
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    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    thats just a few things i feel. idk how you guys feel and idk if i should be telling you most of that stuff. but i dont care. i think if im trying to learn everything there is about growing i need to share my ideas. knowledge is power and i hope this helps anyone in anyway. and hopfully you...
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    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    well i know its a bit late for this but i know you said your new to this but heres a few things ive learned that maybe you can try next year. when you are using pots to get your plants started what i do is i put some gravel in the bottom but not too much just enough to cover the bottom and to...
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    inquiring minds want to know

    it doesnt have to be a whole to clone all you have to do is get like rooting hormone. root tone. or anything like that and just take a leaf and follow it to where it connects to the branch and just cut it at a angle and dip the cut part into the root tone. rooting hormone. or...
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    my babies.

    sorry :/ well hopfully ill figure out. it might be my comp its shit.
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    my babies.

    its stupid and wont let me search my documents. it only lets me post urls.
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    my babies.

    it wont let me copy and paste.
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    my babies.

    not 100% sure how to post pic :S
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    my babies.

    sorry was trying too but my internet messed up. there not much. i just topped this one others arent worth taking pics. only just popped out of soil yesterday.
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    my babies.

    well idk. lmfao i guess these are it. as of today.
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    inquiring minds want to know

    well its wednesday june 30. 2010. and i started some a few weeks ago and i just topped one of them and im just not sure wether or not to leave it out in the sunlight. any input? i know they will be small then most thats why i topped it. im planning on just cloning the buds so they will be...
  17. B

    hey guys whats up??

    im new to this site. umm im 27 and i love my weed. ive grown up around it. so whats up? like to get to know you guys