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  1. psybin311

    Dmt + Shrooms

    Well I have extra bowls sitting around I dont use. I think ill go down to the shop and get a dope pipe. Kinda weird for me. I know a lot of people who do meth and I cant stand it.
  2. psybin311

    Dmt + Shrooms

    Ive heard more than a few people talk about the elves lol. I was wondering about the shrooms and how long they last. They were good when I got them. I assume most dried shrooms are pretty old unless you know the grower. I think I should be able to vaporize the dmt on top of a bowl if its...
  3. psybin311

    Dmt + Shrooms

    Ya just getting some to try it. I figured 200 mg is a few blasts ill make my own next time. Thinking topping off a small bowl will be best. Im looking forward to it. Been reading trip reports. Im really hoping to experience a break through. Im thinking with the combo of shrooms it should be...
  4. psybin311

    Dmt + Shrooms

    Ok so was wondering if anyone has any experience with dmt especially in how to smoke it. Ive had a quarter of shrooms for a cpl months now and have just been waiting on the right time since my friend who I used to take them with quit. But hes willing to baby sit so not all bad. Well ive come...
  5. psybin311

    ona third week flowering

    I used ona gel in my last grow and didnt work. well it worked a lil bit to mask the smell but I could smell it out side the house was so happy to chop it down was getting nervous. got a carbon filter now and no smell at all. except in the grow room. But as to your question I had the tub...
  6. psybin311

    Little black specs? With pics.

    Might be better.
  7. psybin311

    Harvesting soon

    Not sure about degradation but it will take forever to dry and mold could be a big issue. How stealthy are you trying to be? Could just hang them in the corner of a room. Might be the medication:D talking but here's an idea. Do you have a box spring under your matress? Cut out a piece of...
  8. psybin311

    Another how much longer. S.A.G.E.

    So I think im gonna chop her tomorrow. leaves are yellow and dying all the way up. Trichomes are like 20% clear the rest cloudy. maybe 5% amber. I got a sativa for the up high so I think itll be good. Also noticed a few gnats in my res a couple days ago and seen a few very small black specs on...
  9. psybin311

    Harvesting soon

    Hang in your grow room. It fits in there alrady. Unless you got more plants. Make a box. Search diy drying box im sure youll find something. Just dont put fresh buds straight into a jar. That's just asking for problems.
  10. psybin311


    Umm... well id recommend just drying and shaking over a screen if you dont want any "concentrates". That would give you kief then press into hash. I prefer bho though. easy and potent. Been thinking about some bubble hash though. Many threads about hash here. Google is your friend. in the time...
  11. psybin311

    Little black specs? With pics.

    Just relized pics didnt upload at full quality. Sorry.
  12. psybin311

    Little black specs? With pics.

    Is it bad? I only see it there and on an old cylax one on the main stem very small. Smaler than a trichome head.
  13. psybin311

    Little black specs? With pics.

    So been checking my trichs to see how much longer. Strain is S.A.G.E. and grown in a dwc bucket. Week 11 of 12/12. Aa I was looking I saw some black specs. Thought they might be trics at first but not sure about that. Heres my pics. Also I noticed a couple gnats fly out of my res last time I...
  14. psybin311

    Another how much longer. S.A.G.E.

    Well what strain? When did you start? What latitude do you live? So many variables to determine how long. More outdoor then indoor. Looks to me like 3 weeks at least. Most outdoor crops in colorado and similar climates are being chopped now or already chopped unless they are long flowering...
  15. psybin311

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    A few of mine. S.A.G.E. from T.H. Seeds. Taken during week 10. Choping her this weekend hopefully.
  16. psybin311

    Another how much longer. S.A.G.E.

    Ok so I think im gonna chop this weekend but there's been some changes since the weekend. I changed the res on Friday and since then she hasn't been drinking as much. Used to be aboit 1/3 gallon a day now significantly less. Ph has been steady no rise or fall. Its between 5.7 and 6.3 or so. Fan...
  17. psybin311

    Picking new 600 W HPS/MH system HELP !

    Im using maverick sun products and very happy. everything has at least a one year warranty and price is great for quality. They are local to me so I stopped by their shop but ive seen their stuff on amazon. Check them out. My 600 watt with digital ballast and sealed aircooled hood for $200.
  18. psybin311

    Another how much longer. S.A.G.E.

    Thanks. Gonna wait another week or two. ive read that sage likes to put on weight the last few weeks and I dont want to miss out. just picked up some good quality smoke so not in a hurry really. Just getting excited lol.
  19. psybin311

    Done yet?

    Ya that pic is the top cola just keeps putting out new growth. The lower buds are 75% red hairs but. Im hoping to add some weight over the next week or two.
  20. psybin311

    Another how much longer. S.A.G.E.

    Ya I had a 150 watt hps on it till 5 weeks of flowering which wasnt enough. Upgraded to a 600 watt now and shes so happy lol. Temps were an issue at first but better now. Now that I have a good light im excited about my next grow. Thinking about building a small 2x3 flood and drain system since...