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  1. M

    Emergency light issue!

    could someone please advise me on my timer mishap incident. i have three timers & had short power cut, i really don't remember why i swapped timers around after that but i did so long story short i've plugged the fan/filter plug to the light timer & light to fan & the fan was set for an hour...
  2. M

    Barney's Farm Crimea Blue Soil Grow

    I no its an old thread but really saddened at how early that c b has been took down(weeks early) could have went much more! Shame!
  3. M

    How can you yield that much?

    Training & mainlining really does help a lot to get that magic 1g per watt!. (not best pic & need a drink lol)
  4. M

    I have a huge nutrient and ph lockout problem. Off the charts, literally..

    Looks like you should b starting to flush m8,your goose looks almost cooked,wouldn't be lookin at it as a prob! Anotha week maybay. ✌️
  5. M

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    Oh & for ants u should try they ant kill traps,it's a little trap & appears really tasty to the ant & they take it from the trap back into the queen ant den/layer where eva queen is & it poisons the whole nest! Prob solved in couple days for sure! Had to use it myself & was amazed ✌️
  6. M

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    m8,it's ment to yellow off near end of flower,don't try to fix it,jst water with plain water no nuets & let it do its thing,jst means it's the end of its cycle,you can relax bro! ✌️
  7. M

    Plant losing colour

    May b better using a cfl at that early stage m8,jst for couple of week
  8. M

    Plant losing colour

    Can be the colour of cert strains,what strain is it? ✌️
  9. M

    Leaves dying 32 days into flower

    Is it coco coir your medium & are they still drinking regular as they were? It looks like it's your older fan leaf that dyin off yea,is your new growth ok?
  10. M

    Leaves dying 32 days into flower

    Have you got it sorted? May b for first go or second,keep it a lil more simple with nuets ie ionic or bio biz,easier & prtty good,got same sorta prob same time as yourself m8! ✌️
  11. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    If u really still suspect mite spray & I no u won't wanna really waste any more leaves but u could always recreate the situation on a leave same time,spray & rule it out if it does it again then that's ur prob! Looks like u still do hav lots of foilage stil left ✌️
  12. M

    still need help .....

    What feed are u using? Poss bit more nitrogen needed or jst bit more feed ✌️
  13. M

    Cal Mag Problems or something else?

    Wind burn? Poss? u said ur fan points at top of canopy,if u have space try keep it below canopy & not at a fixed position, had same prob ,is it mostly up high? (Damage) also try molasos for cal/mag. I've jst looked at ur pic's again m8 & it really does look like its wind burn jst movin ur fan...
  14. M

    When will my plant be ready to bud?

    im in te exact same stuation & same lightin system same size/growth by the looks of it so if any chance u could get bck to me with any results u have,i shall also return the favour m8!,i am also stuck on when to flower as mine looks almost ready 2 go but not sure as it's still growing but am...