Third Section 6 from Freedom Seeds


Active Member
Here is my third Section 6 lady,I harvested her last night.I still have two others,although these wont be ready for 4/5 weeks.Im glad I staggered them like that though,its good to be able to compare them at different stages and work out the best way to harvest,which so far Ive found to be trim and chop then hang in a box and left for two weeks.
This girl is the largest and although she was topped and trained she still had one dominant cola which I had to chop to fit in the box.I have included a pic of the last one I harvested a week ago just to let you guys see.
Heres that one2014-03-12 19.28.45.jpg
This is the ond from last night,hung to dry2014-03-12 19.26.53.jpg
pre trim2014-03-12 15.51.35.jpg
post trim2014-03-12 19.20.03.jpg
Hope you guys are good,peace:joint: