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  1. I

    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    bought and used this spray that treats for 3 things. fungus bacteria and insects (mites and stuff). posting end of week pics soon
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    i think ill let it grow and see what it turn into. maybe seed decided to sprout up after 3 weeks? lol
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    thanks man. what are ur thought on that random plant that sprouted up?
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    Like a virgin...growing for the very first time!

    just checkin in to see how ur grow i doing. post pics soon. my kids survived the transplant. they look like they are turning into toddlers soon lol hope all is going well
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    lol imagine growing them huge like trees. so far the babies look like they are doing amazing. lets not jinx it. havent gotten another cfl yet but they are doing a lot of growing with one cfl and one regular bulb. 2 things nd someone let me noe about this asap: 1. the baby leaves (the round...
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    also i had an idea. since the roots should stretch to the bottom to get water. wat if bore a whole at the bottom of the pot. a small whole and wet the soil that way.
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    i just did some reading and figured i shud be every watering 3-5 days at this stage? is this correct. ive been watering everyday. noob mistake i know. over loving over bearing parent. after i transplanted i gave them all a ton of water. from this point on im onlly gona wet the top of the soil...
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    yellowing baby leafs - problem?

    hmm this thread gave me some ideas on my grow. reps for all of u
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    most life-changing psychedelic experience youve ever had

    wow man freakin awesome. ive been doing some thinking along those lines. completely sober in fact. its just crazy to think of what the mind is really capable of. do u still remember the answers the shadows (or urself) gave u?
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    Some Photos I Took : )

    sick photo man. really love the freeway one and the 2nd moon.
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    Infared Cameras and helicoptors?

    wow nice question. i dont think itd work that way. even if it does grow hotter than other plants a helicopter would probably be only able to pick up a reallyy large grow... but now u got me paranoid and next time i hear choppers i might hide in a freezer
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    2012 - Is there really going to be a life changing event? Or is this just all talk??

    thought about this right after a worlds perspective class...a documentary came on tv and i sat there watching it for a while. made me think and came to the conclusion that we're gonna be nuked. the world wont end but itll be drastically different. 2 more years and we'll find out for sure...
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    anyone? im a worried parent lol
  14. I

    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    so i transplanted them not too long ago. kinda scared the pic below is the best root i managed to get. i think i might of ripped off the roots on the other ones. i got another lamp on them now. two in total one cfl. ill be gettig another cfl and replace the regular light bulb that i have...
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    any suggestions? about to start operation now
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    ill try both techniques in the morning. right now they are all in a decent sized pot. after i transplant ill start treating them for mould and fungus like GreedandVanity said. i wanna get them to a decent size then move them into the ground. a buddy of mine has an animal farm and il be using cow...
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    9.4 in by 7.52
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    like this plastic pot type of thing with a reservoir at the bottom
  19. I

    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    thanks for the help! im just worried ill rip the roots off again like what happened with the smaller two in the seperate pots (i dont think those will make it). any suggestions on how to transplant them safely? and Jane lol yea atleast we'll stumble around together just watch my foot while...
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    1st grow. suggestions? pics included

    we'll find out how bad im doing as soon as a wiser person replys lol