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  1. GympGyrl

    Halp Mr. Wizard!

    While I have been a vegetable grower for years this is my first cannabis grow. I started outdoors and had some great luck and have already cultivated several nice ounces. I'm growing the winter grow in a shed thats 5'x7'x10' and I'm running a single 1,000w hps. I have ventilation fans and a...
  2. GympGyrl

    spider mites

    First let me say I'm no expert but I got spider mites early in the season I got Florakiller from my hydro place and it worked great. Closer to flower I used a soapicide.
  3. GympGyrl

    check out my guard frog

    That is just way too cute and I want one too! He does look stoned in the first pic.
  4. GympGyrl

    What size smart grow pot for clone mother?

    Are smart pots those soft plastic ones? I start clones in a one gal and move up to 5 gal when I need to expand...
  5. GympGyrl

    A Thread Discussing Prop 19: PLEASE don't campaign, just the facts and fears!

    California resident and it concerns me that the government wants to be so involved. I think they are going to screw us small time growers over.
  6. GympGyrl

    Feeling a little more confident...

    I had battles with spider mites and white flies but my first bunch (4 blue cheese) grown outdoors is harvested. A little over nine ounces wet.
  7. GympGyrl

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    These are blue cheese and about three and a half months old.
  8. GympGyrl

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Thank you sooooo much, fdd!
  9. GympGyrl

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    First I want to thank you for this wonderful section on the forum. As a first time newbie grower I think this is getting ready real soon for drying but I could be wrong. Wishful thinking! :hump:
  10. GympGyrl

    Ventalation questions

    I searched this question and after reading for an hour or more decided to just ask. What is the amount of time you let your grow huts stabilize before adding plants? I don't want to rush into anything and find out I wasn't ready just yet to add plants.
  11. GympGyrl

    Clones have roots!

    These will go indoors. Actually just finished the grow hut today.
  12. GympGyrl

    Ventalation questions

    I'm in Calif and it doesn't get that cold here. Planning on running the lights at night to help with that cold. The inside will be insulated in that shiny styrofoam insulation with mylar as necessary.
  13. GympGyrl

    Ventalation questions

    I bought this storage shed and am converting it to a fall/winter grow shed. One door was replaced in order to install a 20" box fan in the door to push air out but what are your suggestions for bringing in fresh air? What about a...
  14. GympGyrl

    Clones have roots!

    This is my first grow and I'm growing outdoors for the summer. I had the nerve to try clones and they are way easier than I thought. While misting this morning I found roots! This is pushing a two week grow on them.
  15. GympGyrl

    Clones have roots!

    This is my first outdoor grow and the first clones I had nerve to try which was a lot easier than I thought it would be. This morning while misting I discovered roots coming out of two and I'm excited!
  16. GympGyrl

    Hey You Guys And Gals.

    Another newbie doing a first grow outdoors. Everything is doing great other than a brief bout with spider mites but got rid of them on the first day. Started late, end of June but have some 3' tall plants starting to bud. Northern Calif gal here and "Hi" to all the fellow green growers. :grin: