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  1. KushManZ

    How many plants could I put under this light...

    The room is a 2 car garage converted into a large room with central heat and air running to it (2 vents) 2 over head fans. 104 degrees outside. Probably stays 80 degrees or so. I'm curious to know how much the heat will raise in there with that HPS light. When the temps go down it stays...
  2. KushManZ

    How many plants could I put under this light...

    Where i'm growing it I can't paint. Have to build a fake wall (can only use half a room). So basically I was thinking putting ply wood up halfing the room then the walls in there are dark brown and i'm not painting it again LOL. So I was going to line the "grow room" with the foil looking stuff.
  3. KushManZ

    How many plants could I put under this light...

    Alright awesome bro I think thats the one i'm gonna use then. Anymore tips you have will be appreciated. This is just my first step to doing this lol. Need to pick a soil (which is going to be hard) there are now hydro shops here. Need to figure out where to get that reflectant material to...
  4. KushManZ

    How many plants could I put under this light...

    I don't care if it's LED or HPS just as long as it works great and doesn't get me arrested lol.
  5. KushManZ

    How many plants could I put under this light...

    How hot is that going to get...temp outside are up to 104 degrees making my house hotter... And how much electricity is that going to use up. I heard if your electricity bill shoots up they red flag you.
  6. KushManZ

    How many plants could I put under this light... Found a higher watt LED on amazon...what do you guys say about this one. I'm not sure of the light/area ratios I need thats why i'm asking how many plants I can put under a...
  7. KushManZ

    How many plants could I put under this light...

    Well the reason I was gonna go with LED was they put off alot less heat and use alot less electricity. Plus I don't really know how to do the electrical work to put a HPS in the house.
  8. KushManZ

    How many plants could I put under this light... Need to cram as many under it as possible. Just growing some personal. Anyway if you have better suggestions let me know but i'm not spending anymore then the $395.
  9. KushManZ

    first leaves are turning yellow

    I'm a super rookie at this but on my plants (4) the first leaves all turned yellow but the plant kept going strong...I beleive they are the seed leaves like the dude above said...I didn't worry about them.
  10. KushManZ

    Looking for a...

    Low smelling strain...Something that won't smell my whole house up (only going to grow 4 at a time...) Still want good THC levels and a good size yield would still be awesome...I understand theres going to be some smell...but looking for a strain that doesn't smell quite as much any help would...
  11. KushManZ

    Why is weed so much better in california than anywhere else?

    LOL TBH with you I wouldn't pay for hydro or kush ... paying $20 for a gram of weed is retarded...only a moron would pay for it like that. I smoke good old smuggled weed $25 an ounce I can smoke 15 joints to your 1. I guess maybe it's just me I smoke bud like most people smoke cigs so I really...
  12. KushManZ

    My first (successful) grow..."I Hope"

    Not to worried about the soil atm just keeping them alive LOL like I said i'll upgrade to better materials when I get better strain going. The styrofoam is holding the lights up ... if I take them out i'll have to figure something else out...Is there a reason I need to take them out?
  13. KushManZ

    My first (successful) grow..."I Hope"

    Ok their under 2 fluro lights I got from Wal-Mart...750 lumens each (not sure what EXACTLY lumens are) I do know the more the better but don't know what is sufficent...anyway...Their in a styrophome (spelling?) cooler that was in the shed behind my house when we bought it. They where growing...
  14. KushManZ

    Alright attacking this growing thing again...HELP!

    Ok 175 watt HPS light... Foylon or is that and where would I get it? How far do I put a light like this from the plant? And on the nutrient could you tell me a specific brand? Maybe a specific store to get this from...I've been trying to find all the things I need at Wal-Mart...
  15. KushManZ

    Alright attacking this growing thing again...HELP!

    Ok my first grow my plant died I put the light to close directly above the plant maybe 1 in...was only a 75 watt bulb but aparently it's the wrong kind LOL.... Anyway I have a little 3 ft by 4 ft closet in my house and I wanna turn it into a little grow room nothing real fancy just a basic...
  16. KushManZ

    hey jw if i should have a light on my plant yet (pic included)

    How close should he put the light to a sproutling that small?
  17. KushManZ

    My first grow...

    I'm not using any special lights the plants are on the window seal where the sun is hitting...I have a light I got at home depot it's blue they said it was for growing should I switch to that? Sorry still no pics camera is dead i'll have some on here tommarrow def.
  18. KushManZ

    My first grow...

    Will put pics and stuff and update thread as grow goes on...(no pics for now) Alright it's my first time trying to ever grow anything...I got some soil pellets at a local nursery and planted 11 (3 seeds per pellet) all had atleast 1 grow. Their just regular Mexican border hopped basic weed...
  19. KushManZ

    2 weeks since breaking thru... PICS PICS... need feedback !!!

    Looks way better then mine do LOL gj!