hey jw if i should have a light on my plant yet (pic included)

it just came out of the ground last night i have a 150 watt c.f. jw if i should put that on it? and how often should i water it. thanks!


put that sucker on it if sprouted, what ive learned is that sprout lings need more consistent watering schedule about every other day with little bit of water to get the roots growing, at around 2 or 3 weeks ull cut back to every 3 days wait till the soil is dry for 3 inches or so below the topsoil, with a little bit of run off at the bottom but be careful not to drown them.


Well-Known Member
as soon as it breaks the surface it needs light. The energy it has from the seed is only enough to get it up and get those leaves out to start catching sun, if it doesn't get light it will starve very quickly.


Well-Known Member
I use fluoros for veg, and put them as close as possible, as soon as they're poking out of the soil. Works great, and no stretching.