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  1. OzWeeder

    How Can You Tell if a Woman is Fakeing an Orgazm?

    hahaha classic thread. lots of laughs had here!!! 'wheres the beer?' classic
  2. OzWeeder


    just go to the temple. have a chat to some of the monks that may be there. buddhists are accepting and tolerant of all life forms. even sit down in the temple of its outer surroundings and focus on your breathe for 20mins (meditate).
  3. OzWeeder

    My Oregano!

    with these kind of herbs (oregano, basil, thyme, etc.) whats the best way to store these herbs? I'm getting some beautiful basil and coriander from a friend tomorrow and want to store them for a few days... should i throw them in the fridge? put them in water? cheers
  4. OzWeeder

    Come on in and meet Icky (ice kush) my firsst grow

    nice journal man. quick question for anyone out there... whats the difference in the smoke quality between the ice kush and a hindu kush smoke? the ice kush sounds and looks rather delicious!!! ;o)
  5. OzWeeder

    White Poison - 2 liter Hempy SOG

    thought i was looking at some xmas trees there for a second... maybe it was the red and white from the coke bottles. haha ... anyway bro, the grow is looking magic!!! thanks for the great updates, info and pictures. all the best for the future grow. =)
  6. OzWeeder

    first try

    hey tidds, if ya need to germinate those babies i started growing for the first time bout 3 weeks ago... now ive got some light on my plants and theyre coming along nicely. i germinated the seeds using the paper method... not sur eif ya know it? if ya dont i found a sweeet little guide...
  7. OzWeeder


    Hey. anyone out there had much experience with david deida's work with spirituality/sexuality? would love to hear any opinions youve got! Cheers :-P
  8. OzWeeder

    How Common Is It For Women To Not Reach Climax?

    trust is the biggest thing ive found. some women experience orgasm but still hold back the intensity of it (not consciously mind you) due to trust issues with their partner... and by that i mean that i mean she's afriad of REALLY LETTING GO and EXPRESSING her emotional responses PURELY. as trust...
  9. OzWeeder

    Day 30 of flower,more red hair than expected

    wow mjol, there are some happening beauties there bro. congrats on the progress so far. hopefully these hairs can come through for ya!! =)
  10. OzWeeder

    Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare

    ive pulled up my seat too and checking this shit out. blowin me away!
  11. OzWeeder

    Greetings from India > very 1st grow

    yeah nice grow photos man... southern india is a beautiful place!!! keep up the grow... cant wait to see her bursting with bud!
  12. OzWeeder

    First grow - in progress

    looks like a beautiful first time grow man. wish mine had turned out that way! ;o)
  13. OzWeeder

    How they looking?

    looking good dude... keep them on the same growing route and youll be fine mate
  14. OzWeeder

    If you DON'T think CO2 concentrations excellerate growth, watch this.

    awesome man. thanks a million for that!!!!! much needed
  15. OzWeeder

    The Beatles

    its amazing sometimes i forget when eleanor rigby is played that there is no guitar or anything played in that song. its definately an anthem... such a different sound than what was around at the time. Wow... dig a pony is sick!!!
  16. OzWeeder

    Nirvana Fan Club! Share Your Nirvana Plants/Buds/Experience/Anything

    cant wait to see these snow white man!! get those pics up as soon as you can... ill be frothing!!
  17. OzWeeder

    Its all bullshit.

    what did you mean rockstar? did you mean that there was a time when certain plants weren't 'labeled' as drugs, etc.?
  18. OzWeeder

    Aussie Growers Thread

    ive always started growing some of my best mid-late spring. im on the east coast by the way.
  19. OzWeeder

    Chapter One Of My Memoir

    wait what... awesome read. keep it coming!!
  20. OzWeeder


    i got those bastards living on my stash about 4 months ago. luckily i caught it early... after FIVE app's it all cleaned up very nicely. letme know how you get on bro!!! ozzz