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  1. B

    Bud Shots 5 weeks

    very nice, Ill be giving this one a good read
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    Bud Shots 5 weeks

    anybody guess a total yield?
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    Bud Shots 5 weeks

    Thanks man its my first grow I was hoping they turned out alright, especially after all the effort. I can get the light about 6 inches away from the top cola but Id really like to rewire it to externally mount the ballast, cause Im only working with a small space and a little fan and the heat...
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    Bud Shots 5 weeks

    Can anyone guess me a yield? shes about 2 feet tall, shes a strain called gods treat, grown under a 150w HPS in soil, shes 5 weeks into flowering. Oh and if anyone can guess as to how much longer that would be nice to
  5. B

    First Grow (Questions and pics)

    better light and try and get a fan on them if you can, a little stretched but hey theyre still young, lots of potential still.
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    Medical Marijuana License Card...anyone have one

    So the LOD isn't anything your doc has to sign its just proof of diagnosis?
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    Medical Marijuana License Card...anyone have one

    Well Im sorry to hear you had to go through all that with no results, just goes to show no matter how far we come, the same deuchebags still run the country. Well if you have any time or interest left in this post, perhaps you could tell me what process you went through with the compassion club...
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    Extremely long flowering

    any pics? the light could be the problem but with a MH you should be pumping out enough lumens to flower a plant anyway, Ive seen some pretty nice grows with straight MH. Ive heard of some plants taking up to 14 weeks and in some cases with certain strains flowering literally never ends and its...
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    Week 4 flowering. pics

    lookin tasty! what kind of ventilation do you have for that room I see you have that one fan is that it? or do you have more?
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    2nd week of flowering...

    looking good man what strain? what light?
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    Medical Marijuana License Card...anyone have one

    Ya Im cheering for ya let me know how it goes, I live in Canada too and have wondered what the process is like and whether I am eligable, go lacy!!! and whats with the cali guy thats complaining about people getting a card, she said she has a condition how is it your business to question it...
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    Just got up

    what was your final yield on that plant?
  13. B

    First Harvest w/ (2) 75w HPS

    are the pics in your gallery the plant before it got chopped? if so why so small a yield? it seems like thats a pretty bushy plant. maybe stretched out?
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    First time growing

    As far as I know hydro just cuts the time almost in half, which if your looking at it the right way could be consider higher yields. Im not sure about the fungicide but as far as sex goes, if the plants been going for a little while and hits maturity sometimes it will just one day lift up her...
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    Pics of My First Harvest...Purple Buds

    nice weed! growing some of that strain right now myself. How much bigger did they get during flowering?
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    Day 10 of flowering

    very nice, and good to see some pics of early flowering, its really hard to see some good pics of plants just entering flowering, which is where mine is right now (1 week) and I was looking for some comparison photos, nice grow.
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    MH Q's

    I was just wondering how much of a difference mh lights make over hps, particularly in thickness of stems during veg. Im thinking of getting an hps to mh bulb I was just wondering if anyone had made the switch from just all hps to mh in veg and the hps in flowering and if so, what you noticed...
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    Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER

    MY GOD, nice and fat.. did you use anything like big bud or any of those nutes, or did you stick with good ole molasses?
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    White Widow, Stealth, HPS

    Very nice setup, how much do you expect to yield? very stealthy! you make me jealous
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    HELP~~~~~~~heat problems

    That may be a fortunate situation with the window, if you have the window bringing in fresh air and keeping the heat down along with external ventilation it may just work out. Id say just let the set up run for about a day or two before adding the plants just to see what the temp sits at, even...