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  1. B

    How long will THC remain in your system

    yeah mine's some kinda court order BS. long and short of it was in order to get out of some trouble i have to pass an Alcohol and Other Drug Assessment. needless to say i (majorly) failed the initial piss test (with one of the highest levels they'd seen or some shit. 130 nano grams) then i...
  2. B

    How long will THC remain in your system

    see i havent been smoking very heavily. and i run a whole bunch. anyone know of any good websites that may have done some research? and i too have one of those crazy fast metabolisms! and i eat fairly well. hmmm i should probably stop at this point to be safe hahah.
  3. B

    How long will THC remain in your system

    so i have a drug text coming up on jan 18 and i'm not so into using those drinks to clear out the ol' system. the last time i smoked was dec 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. and before that was nov 22nd. I run about a mile and a half everyday and have a fairly decent diet? i'm just curious how long it...
  4. B

    How's she looking?

    hey guys i think i'm having some nitrogen deficiency. suffering some big time stunted/slowed growth lower leaves turning yellow, the stems are pretty purple as well. i started using some 10-1-1 fert. today. do you guys think it's too late to save it? and will the stems/leaves regain proper color?
  5. B

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    are these images posted anywhere still?
  6. B

    Possible to revert from flowering to veg?

    awesome! i was worried it might cause stress or something but that helps! could anyone offer some detailed instructions or a link, on how to clone properly?
  7. B

    Possible to revert from flowering to veg?

    i've been wondering this for a few days now. but i'll be ready to get some new plants going with my CFL set up in a couple of weeks. My question: Is it possible to put, say 2 week old, seedlings into a flowering light cycle for the purpose of showing sex then, getting rid of males and putting...
  8. B

    Is this male or female!?

    thanks a ton for the input guys! i'll give plant B another day or so to see then i'll post another pic of it but until then what do you guys think of this one? EDIT: It doesnt look like it too much in the pic but it's got a buncha white hairs that look like lady parts but i'm not certain.
  9. B

    Is this male or female!?

    well fuck me. think i should just trash em both?
  10. B

    Is this male or female!?

    you think they both look male?
  11. B

    Is this male or female!?

    hey buds, i have 2 small plants right now that i'm unsure of sex. i'm a real newb so simple things are difficult for me haha. of the pictures attached: the first 2 pictures are of plant A (which i'm pretty sure is male, i just want it confirmed before i trash it. the second 2 are of...
  12. B

    How's she looking?

    so i've entered week 1 of flowering, when will it start to show sex and how will i know the difference between male and female?
  13. B

    How's she looking?

    how about this: i'm having trouble keeping the temp down in the closet.(usually it gets to be at the highest 88 degrees f) i currently have them vegging on a 24/0 light cycle would it hurt to have them put in an 18/6 cycle? i'm thinking that if i have the lights off for longer it might help keep...
  14. B

    How's she looking?

    thinking about topping it can anyone give me some detailed instructions on how?
  15. B

    How's she looking?

    picture was taken just a minute ago alternating between water w/nute and plain distilled
  16. B

    How's she looking?

    Alright thanks i'll look into that
  17. B

    How's she looking?

    Where can i get a good PH tester for low cost? i mean if the absolute cheapest one is crappy i dont mind spending a couple extra to get a better one but i also can't break the bank ha
  18. B

    How's she looking?

    Thanks for the input! I'll keep posting pictures of her every few days. I'm not looking to have a retarded huge plant or anything how long should I veg for? I was thinking somewhwere around 40-50 days? should i go longer?
  19. B

    How's she looking?

    First grow sooo please forgive any stupid questions hows she lookin? about 2 weeks in? lights: 3 x 26 watt 6700k 2 x 26 watt 2700k ive been using alaskan fish fert 1 table spoon per gallon of water should i be using more? suggestions?
  20. B

    Newbie in need of help (part deux)

    that looks pretty cool. real resourceful like use of the cardboard box. i'm sort of new to the whole thing myself, where would i find light fixtures like yours?