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  1. Sorklaoter

    Noise Rock/ No Wave/ Experimental Music

    I love Portishead, but I have to hear more of them. The only album I have is live at the Roseland in NYC
  2. Sorklaoter

    Health question about e pills please help!!

    I wanna jump into your avatar and live in there
  3. Sorklaoter

    My first DMT experience

    Yeah that's what I'm wondering too
  4. Sorklaoter

    I’m Dangerous With Love Hearts Hallucinogenic Ibogaine

    Really cool man, I wanna see that. Got a few close friends struggling real bad with dope addiction right now so it hits home for me
  5. Sorklaoter

    Health question about e pills please help!!

    This might be my inner conspiracy theorist talking but sometimes people just look like a bunch of money to (some) doctors. The more drugs they push for the drug companies, the more the drug companies pay them. Have they made you adderall dependent or can you just take yourself off of it, and how...
  6. Sorklaoter

    Moxy, oh yes shes real

    my friend used to have a chihuahua named Moxy.
  7. Sorklaoter

    does anyone have a problem with thoughts i worry alot and believe my made up thoughts

    Different things work for different people, but I feel ya when you say you can't get rid of thoughts you know are preposterous. Time does heal, and so does experience, and this too shall pass.
  8. Sorklaoter

    Thoughts on 2cb?

    2c-b is amazing. I've only gotten to experience it twice. The first time was the best, it was during a camping trip with a shitload of friends and we just to happened to coincidentally take it on the night of the Perseids, the most intense meteor shower of the year. None of us knew ahead of...
  9. Sorklaoter

    My first DMT experience

    To me, DMT always feels a little safer for my soul than salvia, if that makes any sense. But then again with salvia I have only ever smoke strong standardized extracts
  10. Sorklaoter

    Noise Rock/ No Wave/ Experimental Music

    I know all about that trying to lump shit into one category thing, it just sucks. fuck it. But yeah listen to Cosmic Tones for Mental Therapy by Sun Ra, that shit's wicked. And all those bands that you listed are great
  11. Sorklaoter

    Noise Rock/ No Wave/ Experimental Music

    Whatcha mean? Haha any cool bands you can recommend?
  12. Sorklaoter

    Noise Rock/ No Wave/ Experimental Music

    Anybody like it? It's my favorite kind of music and I haven't really seen anyone talk about it on here which surprises me because it's the trippiest music I've ever heard (subjectively). Bands like Lightning Bolt, Sonic Youth, Wolf Eyes, Swans, NON, Arab on Radar, Sun Ra (fucked up space jazz)...
  13. Sorklaoter

    Salvia Questions

    OH shit! I forgot about reading that a long time ago. That would explain why I tripped harder every time I did it this one day
  14. Sorklaoter

    Salvia Questions

    And 20 minutes is SUCKING THAT SHIT DOWN
  15. Sorklaoter

    Salvia Questions

    Is there like a building up effect? That doesn't sound like it would work just cause of how fast salvinorin A is metabolized, it'd probably take me at least 20 minutes to smoke through an eighth of something. Not doubting ANC, just wondering how it works
  16. Sorklaoter

    Research Chemicals

    JWH is easy, others not so much, especially the 2c's which i find vendors of from time to time but never know if they're legit
  17. Sorklaoter

    Dmt while on LSD

    exactly haha