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  1. D

    Vero29 cob charts

    Yeah I'm on mouser at the moment and that driver is 105$ so it's a good price as it's in Canadian dollars. And I'll check out cutters to see if they have the lens. Only thing I'm having trouble getting at the moment. I was looking at the lenses on alibaba through kingbrite. And I'm not sure if...
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    Vero29 cob charts

    Alright thanks! My setup will be 16 cobs of 4 strips in both of the 4x4 area. So 32 cobs total. 8 heat sinks. I didn't want to spend 70-90/each on 8 drivers when I could spend 100/each for 4 drivers. Also this has nothing to do with the subject but could anyone explain to me how I order from...
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    Vero29 cob charts

    OK so I have some questions about driving current. Ill post the spec sheets on the vero29 and I'm assuming the Cree CXB's might be around the same. I couldn't find any detailed data though except for light output charts for the Crees. Looking at the charts(BXRC-40E10K0-L-2x)wouldn't it be...
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    Where to buy CREE 3590 & 3070 Top Bin cobs Canada

    This thread has definitely helped me out a lot. Might cut my cost down on my build if I don't have to ship from over sea's
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    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Kind of coming out of know where but why hasn't anyone mentioned tanning bed lights? They have UVB and UVA? Wouldn't it work or is it different?
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    Good LEd to supplement HPS?

    I havent used any LED companies yet but i have set my eyes on vipar. I also heard blackstar was good. Doesnt matter which LED company you go with your going to be paying a bit of money and do a lot of research in the company your going to go with. If i was using hps i probably wouldn't bother...
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    White widow x big bud first grow with vipar a300's

    Its been awhile since the OP posted anything. hows the plants doing? I have decided to try these lights out and see how they measure up.
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    need help in chossing system for growing veg.

    Im growing in my own built ebb and flow system. Lettuce only took 30 days from seed to harvest. Pretty crazy results. Not outside mind you but hydro will go faster
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    first time growing herb indoors

    You can use hps if you want. Its not going to hurt.. but its better to use cfl's for lower wattage, lower temps and a lower electricity bill! I doubt you'll be making money for your herbs. Unless I'm wrong :-P All up to you though. And herbs don't usually need a lot of red spectrum that the hps...
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    first time growing herb indoors

    Yeah hps is a lot for just regular herbs. Cfl's will cut down the power and heat a lot. Just make sure there daylight bulbs. Sunblaster brand are designed for growing and they also sell cfl's that have more of the red spectrum for flowering for when that time comes. But thats if your picky...
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    R/O cal/mag question in regards to House & Garden Coco

    Your welcome!! With my brand of nutes i might need to use cal/mag as well but with additives just follow the bottles directions add them after you add the base nutrients as another user has stated above :)
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    R/O cal/mag question in regards to House & Garden Coco

    The initial waters ppm after it exits the filter is irrelevant. Are you asking what the ppm should be when starting out? Ppm levels(nutrient strength) differ for every stage of growth. This is just basic guide lines. If your nutrient has its own chart, either on the bottle or on the website...
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    DIY EBB&FLOW bathroom grow! *PICS*

    well hello there!! i'm finally up and running and once my seeds start to sprout i will be putting them into this EBB&FLOW system i have built . here are some pictures for you. i'll put them in order from start to finish and will be posting regularly on how the plants are doing what nutrients i...
  14. D

    advanced nutrient questions

    Well the website for maxsea says its good with hydro because the powder dissolves completely and they don't use fish emulsion. I'm just wondering about voodoo juice and the label saying "not to be used on food crop sites" So if i grew herbs and lettuce etc. They wouldn't be edible? What...
  15. D

    advanced nutrient questions

    Alright so i'm going completely organic with my hydro set up.. i'm going to be using maxsea all purpose and maxseas bloom formula.. Now i used advanced nutrients voodoo juice and sensizyme(in dirt none organic).. it says there organic but are they really? Voodoo juice works pretty dam good for...
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    just purchased a money tree :)

    A little update on my tree!! So i flushed it today but didn't realize that the small container didn't have any drainage holes.. and it was ceramic.. so i ended up having to take out the entire root ball out(in the sink of course) So i flushed it in the sink and let me tell you. It was a good...
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    just purchased a money tree :)

    Thanks for your input!!
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    just purchased a money tree :)

    Just bought one of these weird trees last night.. need rejuvenation help.. of course it sits in a department store so there's the common problems associated with it such as root bound, brown gross roots and it seems they gave it nutrients at the wrong strengths so it has signs of nutrient burn...
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    Help with setup(Soil and fert)

    Miracle grow is pretty bad in enclosed and controlled environments. Because you don't have the natural buffers of the earth problems become apparent fast. Miracle grow is to be used outside and maybe used once or twice. If you don't care if its chemical or natural then you can go with a 3 part...
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    RO water, ventilation and air quality

    And what is the unit called and where did you get it :-P