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  1. O

    whats the deal with feminized seeds

    My last batch of 10 fem seeds got me 9 females and 1 hermie. I flowered the hermie and it was some of the mosy resin packed buds ever - great stone. I just picked all the balls of it everyday :D
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    best lights for growing in a 4ftx4ftx6ft closet

    I have a 400w HPS - its 10 years old, NOT a digital ballast, self contained. I have 2 differant bulbs for it - red and blue spectrums, I presume the blue one is MH.
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    Week 5 of Flowering WHATS UP?

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot ??
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    Help is this a virus

    fortnight = 2 weeks.
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    just came from TenZ garden looking good ?

    Jesus tap dancing christ - your mom knows and helps you ? Kids have it too easy . . . . ;) They are stretched a wee bit - what lights are you using ? I presume thats a grow tent - whats the size of it ?
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    Envirolite Grow

    And Helen the hermie he-bitch. Not really sure why I am keeping this one - far away from my grow tent, I've smoked a couple of her buds and they were not bad even at this early point . . . Mind you - Laura smells like Amsterdam. I'm going to keep on to her for as long as I can - clone...
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    Envirolite Grow

    A guy called Sally ? Jesus, I'd say he had a terrible time in school . . . . :hump: Quick update - plants are now in my growroom, havent had a chance to wire up the HPS yet - probably tomorrow - so just the 800w of envirolites at the moment :mrgreen: I've been keeping the clones with the...
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    Learning, but would like some feedback

    I think he is refferring to the folliage penatration of CFL's = keep them short in order for the light to hit all areas. If you have enough CFL's that you can cover the entire plant without cooking it then grow to whatever size you want. That'd be a while mess of CFL's though . . .
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    Learning, but would like some feedback

    wbd - man you crack me up. Last post I read from you coke shot out of my mouth all over my laptop - someone asked a really simple question and you replied with something like "I see you've done exhaustive research on this" - classic LOL! You can never have too much light - only too much heat...
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    Envirolite Grow

    I vegged for about 6 weeks as I was getting the lights together - I'm putting them under 400w HPS with 600w enviro tomorrow night - so the wee buds should start to get bigger anyway. I'll take a couple of pics once I get the grow tent setup :)
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    Cfl's for flowering

    Your good to go - BUT, if you can add more light then add it - more is better unless it turns your grow room into an oven of course ;)
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    Envirolite Grow

    A wee update - My ladies go into the grow tent on Monday :)
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    cfl's for flowering?

    The higher the wattage the more lumens - the more lumens the bigger the buds :) Thats the only problem with cfl's = the light penatation is not great - but if you position them properly they work great.
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    cfl's for flowering?

    6500k = blue spectrum = vegging. 2700K = red spectrum = flowering. You can use 2 red for every blue during flowering - the red to flower, the blue to keep them short.
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    125 many plants

    Its one of 3 possibles - envirolite, nlite or evo.
  16. O

    the best CFLs?

    Just dont tell ANYONE about yer grow - even you best mate dude - you dont want the garda calling around . .. DWR - dude I have 4 200w Envirolites - they are all self ballasted.
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    the best CFLs?

    The 200w Envirolites do NOT need an extra adapter if you wanna knock it up a notch. 150g's a plant ? DUDE !!!! I need to get mine under my HPS in the next couple of days - sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet !!
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    the best CFLs?

    Check out Envirolites - you can get them from ebay - 125w/200w.250w. DWR uses something similar . . . .
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    Envirolite Grow

    Hanging in the middle gets to the mid and lower bud sites, but I would use at least 2, one on top and one in the middle.
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    Unbiased thoughts on my harvested CFL buds..check this read

    :) Goooooood to know dude - congrats on a sweet harvest.