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  1. J

    Only Pussies steal money

    If you know the guy who set the deal up, I'd hold him responsible for the money. And If he won't pay it back to you then he should at least be able to take you to the guy. I'd beat the ever loving shit out of the motherfucker that robbed me. I've had a few ppl try to pull shit over on me and...
  2. J

    Viet nam vet appreciation thread

    Back to the original point of this thread.... A giant thank you to all the men and women who have served and do currently serve. I have the utmost respect for all You. Remember people without them we wouldn't be on this site right now.
  3. J

    Is it possible to steal a 2011 camery?

    Very easy. Pull up with a flatbed, then you can bypass the security at your leisure... My fathers a car dealer, it's more common than one would think...
  4. J

    Funky or Freaky ???

    I have full sleeves. And I'm sure most people wouldn't want my tattoos on their body. So if you like it, that's all that matters. The tattoo in the pic looks pretty well done, nice color, great looking piece :)
  5. J

    Yankees VS. RedSox

    I don't even really care for baseball... But I am originally from Boston, and I love all my Boston teams no matter how bad they are... So go sox!
  6. J

    I am just wondering who else does this.

    I do the same :) nothing beats a nice baked walk
  7. J

    Smoking injuries

    Hahahah yeah, putting it in isn't really the issue it's getting it out without burning yourself or your house apparently :)
  8. J

    Smoking injuries

    Hahaha this is an awesome thread... Let's see, I've blown ashes into my eyes a billion times, burned my thumb with a lighter, have burned my eyelashes before with the lighter. One of my stupidest injuries was falling on my porch after a huge rip on my bong. And also recently, both my girlfriend...
  9. J

    Best weed you ever smoked!

    My favorite still is blue dream. I had got some ak47 a while back that I remember was real good. But the blue dream is still my favorite. Even with as high a tolerance as I have, one bowl is more than enough to get me stoned.
  10. J

    I'm in a terrible girl situation

    IMHO, if she's gonna dump her boyfriend for another guy, in this case you, what makes you think she won't do the same thing to you in the future? That's how I see it. And if you're unhappy with your girl, then end it before it gets worse... And if they end up breaking up, then things will play...
  11. J

    Did u know Thread

    yeah that's def wrong. the last i heard it was about 22% smoke on a regular basis, meaning like once a week or more.
  12. J

    Worst Cover Song

    i've def got the best one. william shatner, lucy in the sky with diamonds. it's so bad it's awesome, and hilarious.
  13. J

    Which bong to get?

    that last one is so sick, i'd def go with that one bro
  14. J

    What Do You Drive?

    love that FD rx7 bro i had one myself a few years back. def my favorite car ever. right now i'm driving an 04 mercedes e320. pretty sweet ride and pretty chill.
  15. J

    Bump If You're Baked!

    gettin REAL high right now
  16. J


    i smoke almost every day. unless my girlfriend stays over. but that's on my days off. so like on my work days i come home, smoke up, and then sack out watchin tv. so every once in a while i have to go a few days, that's about it. that's my balance.
  17. J

    NFL Playoffs!!!

    and i think the AFC playoff game would be AWESOME if it was new england and pitt. that would be the best two for the championship game forreal!
  18. J

    NFL Playoffs!!!

    im a patriots fan, and i'll admit in the first half of the season we sucked, but now i really think we can take it all the way. then all the haters can hate on us like we hate on the pretentious yankees :)
  19. J

    How to score free drinks and freak out stoner friends.

    dude that shit up your nose are you fuckin serious? u have to have a really fucked up nose, to not make a face inhaling that shit.
  20. J

    Mandatory Metallica

    OMG didn't think anyone else on earth loved Breadfan as much as me! holy shit.