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  1. S

    how to harvest my plants?

    hello, it is that time and i just want to get a refresher on how to dry and cure my bud? when i was a kid we didnt even call it that so i feel a little like a newbie with some knowledge lol a NSK, anyway just if someone could give me a run down on what the best way to do this is , your advice...
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    9 1/2 weeks hermie nanners!!! WHAT TO DO?

    corey those look just like mine- i am to new at this to say sorry, they look like some of mine that i thought where going male on me too, but i posted and my response where that they where female because of all the hair but to me and what i have read ladies don't have little pineapples, that is...
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    What's wrong please? No potency at all from my Nirvana plants.

    i think everyone is just trying to help you out,but really it sounds like you are not drying properly, and since you have a few ready to dry and some that will be soon enough, try a few differnent ways - a longer way may work better, just be patient because your pictures look like they would be...
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    9 1/2 weeks hermie nanners!!! WHAT TO DO?

    can we see some pictures please, i would love to help out i am a beginner as well, or just explain more of what is wrong with the plants and what they look like, also what kind of lite do you have on them?
  5. S

    Im not sure where to start... Hello....

    That was one of the best replies i have read so far-your encouragement and niceness was felt mot people on hear get mad at you for asking a question they think you should know or not grow! so thanks Hoja read my post and give me your opinion,_@AMK792 I think everything looks pretty good, but...
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    Desperatly seeking answers, is this a MALE?

    thanks for your advice the plant is fine shes over four feet tall and that was just a piece of the top, i will wait alittle longer on your advice and see what happens, thanks
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    Desperatly seeking answers, is this a MALE?

    hey i need your guys advice, i am in the mist of flowerin my plants and i strongly feel like these are male plants -but i am a new grower and want to be for sure, i hope the picture shows what you need to see. i cut the top of the plant and brought it inside for a better light, what is confusing...
  8. S

    help with ebb and flow system

    thanks- we ended up placing the filter on the sid of the bucket with the sucking part in the water that way it touches the absolute bottom of the bucket, and placed the buckets on wood about 1/2in higher than the control bucket. thanks for your advice -sandee
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    newbie central- implies NEW-you're an idiot- if it is such knowledge than why is it listed as #17 of 101 already asked questions? you make a great teacher-only ask what people haven't already asked and if you ask something that I already know than you're dumb, you have a great mentality with...
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    dont be such a hater, whats a subforum for? obviously not your help. 'growing isnt for everyone,' -no its just not for you alone- growing isnt your invention- you are not the grow god or the know god- if you where you would be more articulate- you know much more of an educator than someone how...
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    i think u mis understood- i did drain the reservoir and on the advice of my local grow store i added the sea kelp, his suggestion was to not immediately start up the nutes - I listed the nutes that i have at home but in no means did i say i use them all at the same time or even any of them at...
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    help with ebb and flow system

    i put pictures and more information under -newbie central- who needs help ask here?/ on page 330 #3297 it says sandee. thanks
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    hello- need some help on what is wrong with my plants and how to fix them- i ll start with i think it was overwatering but not positive - my ebb n flow kept overfilling and not draining all the water out, we have corrected this problem, i believe by adding the anti sipons -they where missing...
  14. S

    help with ebb and flow system

    hey i have the 12 bucket 55 gallon reservoir version of the ebb and flo or ebb and grow- unfotunatley the control bucket is made by someone else it is not cap version- i did nt know this when i bought it, so months later i need help- there is always 1 in or more water left in the lower buckets...
  15. S

    Water deprivation? Advice is appreciated!

    looks good! i am new also but they say when you have 75%red hair your babies are ready for drying, i would give it a final burst of bloom and then flush from there on out so your smoke is good tasting, but i bet it will be!
  16. S

    Wrinkled leaves, help please!

    thanks would have got back to you sooner but i have been hospitalized since new years eve and home one day now. .. no im not better just alive, i have sle - lupus and have now developed blood clots, i read the thread but am not to sure, but a BIG THANKS !!!! as 100 reads but only 1 reply is...
  17. S

    Wrinkled leaves, help please!

    ok no pictures for now, i can take some and post tomorrow but its pretty basic the leaves on my plant are wrinkled, like an old man wrinkled. this is a stinky pink and is about 2 1/2 foot tall, I have an ebb and flow system with 9 plants under a 1000 watt mh bulb the plants are about 1 months...
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    **First Grow Hydroponics 14 OG Kush** one week into budding

    these kick ass congratulations hope youre this successful til its time to smoke!
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    Help!!!!! Bad algae water and stinky water..

    yeah it has one airstone about 6in long and 3 round it sits at the bottom-should i cut the cord so it sits somewhere in the middle- an should i change all the water out or just add a little bleach to it?