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  1. S

    The Art of The Auto

    I have a total newbe question: You have a germinated seed via the wet paper towel method (i.e. the seed has cracked and the tap root is showing). The seed is place in a jiffy pot/pellet. At what point do you put it under light? Before or after the plant sprouts and shows it's cotyledons?
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I have a germination/sprouting question - You have a germinated seed via the wet paper towel method (i.e. the seed has cracked and the tap root is showing). The seed is place in a jiffy pot/pellet. At what point do you put it under light? Before or after the plant sprouts and shows it's...
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    There Is Scientific Proof of a Creator. Evolution Can Be Disproved

    Sorry, I didn't see "Religulous". I don't get my information from a stand-up comedian and failed actor with an agenda. I simply believe that the universe is just too perfect to have happened by accident. That is my belief and there is nothing that can shake my Faith. You folks put too much...
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    Security on Cruise Ships

    With regards to "smuggling" alcohol onboard. They allow you to bring water and soft drinks. We packed a case of bottled water. What they didn't know was that 1/2 of the 20oz bottled water was filled with rum. We got 1/2 way through a 14 day cruise before we had to smuggle more rum back...
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    Security on Cruise Ships

    If you are leaving from a US port then there is no problem. Put it in your pocket or carry on baggage. If you are REALLY paranoid then quadruple wrap your stash and "buttcheek" it. Cannabis isn't metallic so it won't show up. The Feds aren't looking for pot going OUT of the country. Where...
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    What's A Reason To Live?

    What's a reason to live? I am popping into a bunch of really old threads tonight. I don't know if the OP is still around. Why NOT live? Self-preservation is a basic instinct of ALL life forms. If you don't possess this basic instinct then, perhaps, you should do our race a favor and rid...
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    Question About Anal Sex

    I didn't read the past 21 pages but this may have have come up in the conversation. Offer up your arse to be fcuked first. If you want to violate her in this manner then it's only fair that you should be a man and bend over for her. Might I suggest she get an English Cucumber and ram it up YOUR...
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    What is "True Christianity"?

    I was raised Roman Catholic which taught me the basics of Faith and Religion. As I progressed in life, I realized that organized religion was a scam yet I retained many of the theological principles taught in Catechism. Many times, the laws of man conflict with the laws of God. I'll give you an...
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    The Art of The Auto

    We've got a cat that eats lawn grass and then pukes up a green mass on our carpet. The times I've noticed my fan leaves munched on, I don't find any messes. Your dog, obviously, knows more than the government does about using natural remedies. It is kind of sad isn't it? Cannabis does...
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    What is "True Christianity"?

    budlover13 I try to remain respectful. In the topic of religion there is no right or wrong answers. Those that try to define the discussion in absolute terms are the ignorant ones.
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    What is "True Christianity"?

    Phuk: You keep referring back to "science" - the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding. You only want to see what you want to see. Please tell me where YOUR ignorance is superior to MY ignorance? I fully embrace Natural Selection and have...
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    There Is Scientific Proof of a Creator. Evolution Can Be Disproved

    mindphuk: Dr. Miller belives as I do: I’m a Roman Catholic, a Theist… in the broadest sense, I would say I believe in a Designer but I don’t believe in a deceptive one. I don’t believe in One that would try to fool us. Therefore I think this is authentic and tells us about our ancestry …
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    Crawl Space Afghan Kush Ryder, Auto Blue Mystic Grow.

    What are the space/dimensions of your "crawl space"?
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    What is "True Christianity"?

    As a member of the "religious people" that you seem to have a problem with, I can say that I have watched and read Carl Sagan since, probably, before you were born. Why can't a religious person believe in science AND creation? You all seem to think that science and religion are mutually...
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    What is "True Christianity"?

    Any study of history will show that "The Crusades" were a defensive war to re-conquer lands taken by force by Muslim Extremists (much like what we are seeing today) …but I do get what you are, generally, saying. I can't find our previous discussion from earlier in the week regarding...
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    What is "True Christianity"?

    The existence of Yeshuah Ben Joseph is NO fable. No matter what you want to believe, his life and crucifixion was recorded by the Roman historian Tacitus and many other scholars of the time. If you are curious:
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    What is "True Christianity"?

    All of the non-believers notwithstanding their ignorance in previous posts, I trust your question is a true and honest question seeking Truth. There are many Christian sects but all of our beliefs can be summed up, IMHO, in Matthew 22:35-40 Another absolute that transcends every major...
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    The Art of The Auto

    I brought back 5 LR#2 beans from a trip to the UK. Due to my location I can’t grow outdoors. The past 6 years, the County Property Appraiser has sent their inspectors appraise my property right in the middle of the cannabis growing cycle (mid-July). Call me paranoid but this is not an...
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    Creationists Are Dumb.

    To be honest with you – NO I didn’t read ANYTHING you posted. Frankly, what you write doesn’t amount to a Hill of Beans – just as what I write. My VERY first statement in this thread reads, “I just have to chuckle whenever intelligent folks try to engage in...
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    The Art of The Auto

    Good Gravy!!! I just got done reading the subsequent 72 pages since I last posted. I’ve got information overload!!! RUI has to give us a sub-forum to disseminate all of this information. I voted in the poll as this information is awesome and needs its own section here. In my thirst for...