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  1. emoney1104

    Purple Snow White

    it say 8 weeks but 9 is optimal
  2. emoney1104

    Purple Snow White

    i have the all in one hps light so the heat was too much until i got my fan so the plants stretched at first.but any further grows should be fine. i also have been thinking of getting a 400 watt with a digital ballast.
  3. emoney1104

    Purple Headed Trichomes advice on harvest, pics.

    ive never harvested purple trichs but if u check my threads my snow white plant is completely purple and i dont think snow white is suppose to turn colors but i love the color, up here where im at i doubt any thing more than a handful of people have seen purple bud.sorry didnt answer the POST...
  4. emoney1104

    Purple Snow White

    150 watt hps on 1 plant in gl 40 tent .
  5. emoney1104

    Purple Snow White

    6 weeks into flower starting to see orange hairs cant wait till its done it smells so bad its sweet
  6. emoney1104

    Notice to new growers, please read

    been doing soil for 4 years still dont feel ready for i really like mixing my own soils and adding to fox farm soils imo fox farm is the best stuff on earth simply love it.
  7. emoney1104

    snow white turning purple

    this is my snow white thats turning(actually since it started to bud )purple. the pre flowers looked brown but under a cool light i noticed it was purple
  8. emoney1104

    Germination help !!!!!!

    i always put mine in side grow room with the light on and they sprout in three to four the most .btw i us ethe paper towel method in a zip bag
  9. emoney1104

    snow white turning purple

    just bought a higher cfm inline should be here today,see if that gon post a pic today to cuz i dont think i ever seen a plant so frosty at 4 weeks today i touched the top for the first time and my fingers got sticky as shit i think i love snow white more than the dwarfs lol .thanks f or...
  10. emoney1104

    snow white turning purple

    i actually like it ,its the buds that are purple looks wonderful just wanted to know if it was common for snow white to turn purp thanx for the reply tho
  11. emoney1104

    snow white turning purple

    just wanted to know if snow white is suppose to be able to turn purple because its turning purple its all frosty and purple might post pics later cant right now but would like to hear from any one whose ever grown it before,btw its fem seeds from nirvana soil fox farm earth juice nutes 150 watt...
  12. emoney1104

    snow white,earth juice

    any body got somthing good to say about snow white fisrt time i use it and cant wait till its done love how it smells so far better than my swiss i think this is the healthiest looking one ive ever had i credit earth juice :clap:
  13. emoney1104

    Is This a Hermie?

    that pic is to blurry