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  1. M

    Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)

    great lookn plants especially for clones imo. And i feel the same way when i trim, or top, or bend or really anything other than petting and whispering sweet nothings at them lol. thats why i did multiple plants and used the runts as test subjects. I thought about buying that wire but went cheap...
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    Sativa Diva @ 2 months

    There's a long story here but ill keep it as short as possible... - Started with 2 bagseed plants (stoner experiment), sprouted, start reading RIU lol - Ghetto rigs built and started 2 more bagseeds - 4 plants, 2 tub setups, no plan - 1 month later, all plants healthy and very bushy...
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    1st CFL Grow, Blue Cheese and Purple Bud!

    i use those space blankets too
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    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    +rep for showing me I already have 50% of the materials needed to accomplish what I thought wouldn't be possible
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    chocolate thai

    Awesome looking buds. Hope mine turn out like this. You might want to remove the dead foliage that's collecting on top the soil. It's a good place for moisture to get trapped allow fungus to grow and can attract unwanted pests.
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    4 Bagseeds. Experimental CFL vegging

    Well my n00b ass actually sprouted the first two under a single 40w soft white incandescent, then moved them under 2-3x 23w 2700k cfls for 2 weeks and sprouted sexychica with them. Then (after hours of reading everything I could find) switched them to 4x 23w 6500k cfls. Each plant was subjected...
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    4 Bagseeds. Experimental CFL vegging

    Decided to put up a pic of my test subjects in the CFL section since that's what I'm using. They were in a rubbermaid but I got tired of working inside a 2'x2' area so now they're sitting on a treadmill, which works fantastic BTW when it comes to expanding. The control panel and side handles...
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    Lets get serious. Serious as sh*t!

    Yea, he said he had sum nutes left over since when he tried but i was never expecting him to pull these out. Never thought i could find this stuff where i live so i was pretty shocked. Didnt plan on using the salts immediately but he gave me it along with sum crappy MG that went straight into...
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    Lets get serious. Serious as sh*t!

    Get it? Shit?! As in stinky ass organic fertilizers... Anyway, just picked up some awesome supplys off a buddy. And bought some FF soil so im pretty pumped. Anybody whos had any experience with using these, input please!
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    Bathroom ventilation fan usable in grow box?

    funny. I just bought a 10 dollar one today thinking the same thing. already has a connection for ducting or filters so i figured id give it a try. only 10 bucks right
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    New Stealth...ish veg box [PICS]

    A after topping a few days ago B after topping over a week ago C...just being awesome Garden as of now. The one under the cup is the top from A and seems to be doing great. I've never cloned before and my method was probably not ideal but it looks to be growing up above the ground...
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    ph down at home? + rep for sugestions

    I found my water soluble nutrients lowered my tap waters pH tremendously
  13. M

    Has anyones plants yielded over 28 ounces? Mine did! Take a look... click Browse and change the file types available(at the bottom) to video formats edit: Next, upload the file and once completed, copy the link for "embedding video into forums" or something like that. or use the "direct" link, either way preview your post to see if it...
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    New Stealth...ish veg box [PICS]

    Just updated photo. All seem to be doing great. A is on nutes and taking it well. B was topped and new shoots have started to develop from it. C staying perky, lowered it down from the lights to make it stretch a little more than the others. Fresh meat:dunce:
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    What method would bring best yield in 2' by 2' by 4' high grow box?

    U sound like your in my shoes kinda. I'm building piece by piece around a few practice plants from bagseed which germated weeks apart. I'm making it more and more stealth with DIY materials so everything is low cost and can be replaced easily. The plants have different variables in their...
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    New Stealth...ish veg box [PICS]

    Ok, so I dumped the reptisafe water. Just finished doing extensive pH testing on multiple waters with and without fertilizer. My tap is close to 8 by itself, but with the recommended fertilizer to water ratio for indoor plants added it put it at 6.3-6.5. I'll soon start the bigger girls on this...
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    New Stealth...ish veg box [PICS]

    bump any comments? id really appreciate an experienced opinion about my leaf discoloration.
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    New Stealth...ish veg box [PICS]

    Just finishing week 3. Lights fell on plant A for about an hour, burning half of one leaf and part of another. C is looking fantastic and although D was a dud, it was replaced with a nicely germed seed that should pop up anytime. Changed from all soft white cfls to 1x 2700k and 3x 6500k...
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    First time grow - pictures, will update, suggestions please! closet trash can

    I agree with Zcomfort. Just ran through this thread and your plants are laughing at you every time you peek in hoping they doubled in size over night. Solos can't support the root system necessary for fast growth let alone LST, and your temps are definitely aren't helping if not hurting. Over...
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    Girl's grow too

    Holy cfls. Plants look awesome but thats pretty crazy all those cfls and sockets. Same lighting could be achieved through less cfls and more reflection/capturing of the light, even DIY. Very impressive plants though. I'm already anticipating your next grow haha